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№ 3(57) 30 june 2015 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Kulik S.

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This article deals with the sequential analysis for testing of the human operator. A set of important criteria (indicators) of the effectiveness of the human operator is introduced. The purpose of studies to obtain an estimate efficiency of the human operator. This article is about special the information system. The information system includes: the block of object indexing, the block of recommendatory list processing, the block of searching, the block of searching array realized, the block of recognition, the block of archive of objects and the human operator too. The search of this indicator is done. The average number of errors for the human operator is important. Estimates of the effectiveness of the human operator were obtained. Sequential analysis for testing of the human operator was used. The experimental results were obtained too. The obtained results are used for some information systems for making decisions in criminalistics. It is offered to use a special factographic system. The results were successfully protected by various patents. Further, it is planned to get and explore in details another method for testing of the human operator.
№ 3(57) 30 june 2015 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
Authors: Emelyanov A., Emelyanova N., Shil’nikova O.

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Develop and implement programs of industrial production is a step by step procedure perform one or more processes. Demand program is executed on the basis of both the actual statistical data and simulation results. Modeling is necessary due to the fact that not all the parameters of governmental processes are known with a satisfactory level of significance. It uses various methods of modeling. Most process design engineers are not able to create a mathematical model for the process analysis. In such cases, combined models are used: a simulation model of discrete control systems engineers is used, and the physical, chemical and other create products processes are represented by analytical mathematical model. Both are components of a complex model, and performed in the same virtual time. As a result of simulation obtained all the missing process parameters are measured their confidence intervals. Next, engineers must choose the optimization method for the production program created, and can two opposite situation. First: the response surface obtained in the simulation can be approximated with reasonable certainty by means of linear or nonlinear mathematical form. Then, it is theoretically possible to use linear programming, nonlinear programming and gradient methods. Second: the response surface did not found in the simulation. However, there are simulation results that can be used to produce versions of the program. In this case remains one method available: dynamic programming. This article describes the combined using of simulation and dynamic programming to optimize production programs.
№ 3(57) 30 june 2015 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
Authors: Popov V., Mayorova I.

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We consider the method of conditional optimization of solving of multi-objective task about appointments on the assumption that the number of candidates is equal or more than the number of vacant positions. Whereas eligibility assessments of task is unclear and is based on the judgment of experts we must use elements of fuzzy sets theory and the fuzzy mathematical programming. In our problem the optimization with interval parameter is supposed the solving of two tasks of mathematical programming with upper and lower value boundaries. In both tasks, as the objective functions are used the total score penalty for non-compliance of subjects (candidates) and objects (appointments) for each criterion. The meet of two solving is general solving of optimization problem. In this paper we use interval analysis and interval discrete optimization with Boolean variables, which determine appointment matrix. The Hungarian Method for the assignment problem was used for solving of optimization problems. An appointment matrix must provide the minimum of value of difference between requirements to candidates for appointments and requirements to appointments. It should be noted that it is not always the intersection of the sets of solutions to both problems, and then the task has no decision. In this case the problem should be solved on the basis of indistinct intervals, but the solving will be received in the form of an indistinct appointment matrix. The results of solving of optimization problems are compared with results, which are received on base of fuzzy binary relations ( (max-min) — composition and (max-prod) — composition). This comparison is necessary for more reliable conclusions about the selection of candidates
№ 3(57) 30 june 2015 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Azhmuhamedov A. I.

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The analysis of social engineering systems allowed to build fuzzy cognitive model of assessment of its man-made elements to arrive at an informed judgment about the need for control actions to bring the State of the social subsystem to the specified level. The set of control actions is implemented through the use of institutional mechanisms, motivation and information management. You must ensure that the level of motivation is not greater than the optimum value, and the intensity of institutional measures was below critical. To calculate the value of concepts at the lower levels of the hierarchy model can be used as an additive vector measure up, because in this case, the values of some concepts can be offset by other values. For the top level of appropriate application of convolution, because the multiplicative if at least one of the concepts of {«level of motivation “; «Psychophysical capabilities; «Competence»} «variable linguistic factor» is set to «Low», then the integral evaluation of the level of effectiveness of the man-made element should be taken as equal to «Low». Evaluation of the concept of “ Level motivation» may correspond to the values of the negative term-many of the linguistic variable. Assessment of the status of the subject in this case will also take «negative » values. Content that can be interpreted as the potential destructive impact of man-made element on the system-«insider threat».
№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Market analysis
The author: Yatsko V.

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which was created on a request from an overseas firm, processes chats, blogs, and forums to provide as output generalized negative and positive scores as well as specific subjectivity terms associated with the product’s name given in user’s query. The system is based on the highly structured ontology and linear grammar. The ontology consists of syntactic and semantic terms ad their subcategories, groups and classes. Semantic terms are those ones expressing subjectivity and having either positive or negative semantic orientation. Syntactic terms do not express subjectivity but can modify the intensity of polarity of semantic terms. The relation between semantic and syntactic terms is defined as a binary relation and groups with symmetric, asymmetric, and inverse relations between syntactic and semantic terms are distinguished. Semantic terms are assigned scores from 1 (–1) to 9 (–9). The paper suggests differentiating between formal and linguistic ontologies. Linear grammar comprises rules that allow mapping ontology terms onto the names of products and generate phrases with semantic and syntactic terms. The overall system’s efficiency measured in terms of recall and precision of information retrieval achieves 86%.
№ 4(58) 28 august 2015 year
Rubric: Business information systems
The author: Volkov А.

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The article considers the issues related to the integration of information from various sources for complex application in solving problems of financial institutions. Approaches are suggested for use in data warehouses organize information from external sources: open data, Internet, state of automation systems, etc. emphasizes the importance of using financial institutions structural beginning, shared meanings, redistributable formed in the present state automation. An example of such a system is the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction that enables the financial institution to get automated information from state and municipal agencies. Another example is also introduced in Russia a unified system of identification and authentication, providing a legally confirmed authorization of users of automated systems. It is noted that in a society based on such systems form some external to the financial organization master data management environment, which must be effectively used by financial organizations to obtain new functionality automation and additional structuring information in their data warehouses. Discusses the potential use of financial organizations open data generated in the present time, various organizations in the initiative order, and published various state and municipal agencies of Russia. The article also considers the interaction of financial institutions and service it service it company, including the use of the process approach to develop, support, and development of automation for financial institutions.