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№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Danilov N., Shulga T.

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Increasing complexity of software products also increases the demands on their usability. The article focuses on the software product’s usability evaluation based on the user’s activity data. There are different types of user’s activity data and visualization methods for them, the choice of which depends on the data composition and specificity. One of the most popular is a point data, such as mouse clicks and movements. The commonly used visualization method for point data is a heat map — graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. Authors suggest using the heat map as a mathematical model of the user’s activity, what allows formalizing the user’s interaction with the software interface. However, there are no formal methods, described in scientific sources, for constructing heat maps based on the point data of the user’s activity. Authors propose the formal method for constructing such kind of heat maps. The proposed method allows constructing heat map taking into account data density and expert-defined parameters to achieve the desired clarity of visualization. In addition, described method was implemented in free software.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
The author: Namiot D.

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The paper discusses the problem of design and development for mobile services using wireless tags. As wireless tags here we consider mobile phones and other devices that support Bluetooth. Any Bluetooth device (Bluetooth node) in so-called discoverable mode we consider as wireless tag. Our model defines how to link user defined content to wireless tags. In this model, Bluetooth devices let define the context-dependent data available to mobile users in the proximity. Dislike the specialized Bluetooth tags (beacons), our model does not require the preliminary scene preparation. Any mobile device with Bluetooth support can play a role of wireless tag. The proposed scheme covers all stages of the life cycle of mobile services: how to create a tag (tags), how to bind data to them and how to view data associated with tags. So, ordinary mobile phone is enough to create a data channel. Our article discusses potential applications of the proposed model. The typical examples are classifieds. One mobile user creates some announce and makes it available (readable) for other mobile users in the proximity (in the vicinity of the author). By the same manner we can create any commercial content (advertising) and make it available for visitors in malls, café, etc.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Software and hardware systems
Authors: Silnov D. S., Tarakanov O.

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Developers of modern data protection software do not pay enough attention to false positive problem while calculating checksum of its files and other data delivered using insecure data transport. That leads to major problem, if attacker can replace checksum or replace process of getting data from file, then most of antiviruses and other very important software will be compromised. Authors of that article developed software for assessing the stability of data protection against different attacks. Method that shows possibility to compromise large amount of systems based on specific of operation system’s file request operations. Software was also developed and tests show that many important utilities such as md5, sha256 (for FreeBSD) and cverify. exe, vipnethashcalc-tool. exe (both of them certified in Russia as data protection software) are not protected against false errors while calculating checksums. Errors appear in 100% test cases. In addition, tests were made for software called «FIKS 2.0.1» witch have special license from Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia (FSTEC). That software also unprotected against false errors and tests proves that.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Shorikov A. F., Bucenko E. V.

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The article discusses actual issues in the application of automated control systems to optimize the process of investment projecting at the enterprise. Investment projecting is an important aspect of the activities of an entity in the modern economy. To solve the optimization problem of investment projecting is proposed to use a network of economic-mathematical modeling. The rationale for applying the methods of network management to optimize investment activity. Shows a gradual process of forming a network model that includes the entire sequence of complex operations, investment projecting, such as: collection of baseline data, marketing analysis, financial analysis, sensitivity analysis, building financial models, generation of alternatives, analysis and selection of the optimal project. Given the detailed description and the graphical representation of the selected processes and the resulting network model. Possibilities of application of information technologies for solving problems network modeling and implementation of adaptive control model. Automation can be done using the visual object-oriented programming in high-level languages, Delphi, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Perl, etc.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Sorokin S., Sorokin A.

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Various mathematical and statistical models can be used as basis for constructing scoring systems. These models can be obtained by linear regression, logistic regression, discriminant analysis, decision trees, neural networks, and others. The article describes an example of constructing a model of behavioral skroring in the banking sector, based on a neural network program IBM SPSS Statistics. Also this article presents the technique of modeling, sequence of network settings in the dialogs procedures of the program SPSS, code syntax for the implementation of the considered algorithm, and the simulation of results. These results can be used in the educational process for laboratory work and workshops in teaching methods in neural network modeling program SPSS, as well as independent research. The purpose of writing this article is to review the methodological aspects and step alogoritma constructing a neural network program IBM SPSS Statistics 22 for example, behavioral scoring in the banking sector. Under the behavioral scoring understood mathematical model by which on the basis of a set of known characteristics of the object of study (independent variables) projected a certain desired characteristics (dependent variable), the value of which is not known researcher.
№ 2(56) 30 april 2015 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
Authors: Moshev E., Gimranov R., Kantuykov R., Meshalkin V. P.

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It shows the influence of pipeline systems for reliability, cost-performance and industrial security enterprises of the chemical industry and other industries. It shows the role of system maintenance and repair, as well as integrated logistics support in ensuring the capacity for work of industrial piping systems. The drawbacks of maintenance and integrated logistics support using disparate software tools are shown. To eliminate these drawbacks authors offered of the approach to integrated logistic support for the life cycle of pipeline systems of industrial enterprises based on the theory of artificial intelligence, modern methods of mathematical modeling and logistics resource saving in the field organization of production. Developed the following heuristic computational tools computerized integrated logistics support industrial piping systems: logic and information life-cycle model of pipeline systems, which mimics the procedure logistic support of piping systems, as complex organizational and technological decision-making procedures; frame and productional models represent unformalized knowledge about the technical and structural characteristics of the pipeline; heuristic-computing algorithms of calculation of the technical and structural characteristics pipeline systems. Developed heuristic-computing tools allow to automate integrated logistics support life cycle of pipeline systems and to organize the interaction of all its subjects in a single information space.