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№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Training technologies
Authors: Lavrentyev V. S., Pivovar M.

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We discuss the problem of evidentiary selection senior students — applicants for a job in an organization, institution, company, that ask for work in his senior students with an indication of the preferred professional abilities, ranked in order of importance of these skills to the employer. The problem is reduced to the ranking of training graduate students on the basis of testing, and the subsequent calculation of the integral of Choquet according to testing. Choquet integral is used to form a complex criterion of training students aggregation of several partial criteria. Particular criteria are formed as the evaluation of test results on certain sections of the test, which correspond to the main areas of vocational training students.
№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Mitrakov A.

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This paper is devoted to synchronization algorithms of agent-based parallel discrete-event simulation. There are a lot of algorithms for such distributed simulation modeling, and most of them are fallen into two groups: conservative and optimistic ones. However the sphere of the research is simulation of agent-based systems. The agents are known to be «smart»: they have some kind of knowledge that helps them reasoning in different situations. So the idea is that we could use this knowledge base not only for artificial intelligence, but also for synchronization algorithms in parallel simulation. This paper provides the family of algorithms called KBASA (Knowledge Based Agent Synchronization Algorithms) that result to significant improvement of standard optimistic algorithms. They are designed exclusively on agent-based systems and are not compatible with usual distributed simulation because of lack of knowledge. Ontology was introduced as a knowledge base of an agent. The specification of the ontology is also provided in the paper. Eventually KBASA were designed and implemented on Akka (for Scala programming language) and tested on real models. Theoretical description and practical results are also provided as well as comparison with the standard optimistic algorithms on the same model.
№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
Authors: Keyno P., Siluyanov А.

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The article examines the development process of the BML interpreter and the high-performance cluster building with BML support. The language allows to modeling a web-interfaces and their business logic in a declarative form. The article contains the comparative analysis of some critical components in the system. In particularly there is a comparison of efficiency of the Web platforms in static and dynamic environments between CGI, FastCGI and traditional PHP programming. Efficiency of compiling and interpreting languages also considered. According to study, the FastCGI platform with the C++ language gives the best result of performance. Detailed architecture with the base system components is considered. The interpreter contains low-level programming elements and requires performing the following tasks: HTTP requests parsing, store and retrieve user sessions, interact with DBMS, parsing of XML-like documents, processing a regular expressions, provide the computed data to templates and etc. There are some resource-intensive processes in the interpreter and they are also requiring detailed analysis. The BML language based on XML syntax therefore its interpreter require a proper XML-parser. Authors chose libxml2 as the best way for the fast development although it shown not highest efficiency. Some of components are developed independently: HTTP-parser, configuration files parser, session manager, all interface classes and more. In the article presented the development process of the interpreter in high-performance systems as complex engineering solution. Keywords: Web, backend, server programming, highload systems, cloud computing, clusters, servers, interpreter, declarative programming, CGI, FastCGI, BML, BlockSet, HTML, XML, MVC, C++.
№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
The author: Prokimnov N.

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Modeling and simulation have arisen as a result of computing and information technology emerging, now belong to one of the most popular tools in scientific research, management activities, training, and other areas. The degree of penetration of technologies in various spheres of human activity is so high that makes urgent the establishment of a regulatory framework as scientific, methodological, organizational and administrative measures which will make possible transforming the activity of building systems simulation and there practical use from the matter of art and science to in engineering task. In this regard, it may be useful experience gained abroad, where the managerial and technical support level currently reached a higher level of satisfaction then domestic where the M & S are also widely used. The article provides a brief overview of the state in this area overseas aimed to help in overcoming this gap. We point out the main M & S standards groups as well the leading institutions (both governmental and none governmental) evolved in the standards development. After that the approaches adopted in large bodies, mainly in the field of defense, to building the management environment for M & S acquisition (including technical and management rules, standards and guides) are considered.
№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
Authors: Tsaregorodtsev E., Baranov A., Petrova L., Voitko P.

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The article presents possibilities of Pilgrim Packed application in modelling ecological-economic system of the region. Principal attention is paid to long-term economic calculations and to raising precision and reliability of calculations by means of more detailed elaboration of mathematical modelling process. There exist several ways of research depending on precision, reliability, value of planning horizon (at macrolevel). In our opinion, in connection with this steadiness management is the most efficient tool for preservation the environment. That’s why in this paper the authors pay special attention to problems of ecological-economic stability (EES) in the region. The EES calculation results «Floating at Road-stead» with application of CASE-technology in designing models «with no programming» Pilgrim (with Visual Studio) are given as an example.
№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Belousov R., Drozhzhin N., Kostenchuk M.

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The paper describes an approach for constructing fuzzy linguistic variables, based on the use of cluster analysis. The basic assumption in this method is the fact that the distance from the center of the cluster element degree of membership fuzzy set is reduced. The maximum value of membership will have a core (average) of cluster. Degree of membership of the other elements decreases linearly with distance from the cluster core. The initial set of data is divided into clusters. Each cluster corresponds to a linguistic (verbal) characteristic, which corresponds to a fuzzy linguistic variable. The normalized distance from the cluster members to its center corresponds to the degree accessory to the term: the greater the distance, the lower the degree of membership. The analytical form of the membership functions is obtained by fitting the results of cluster analysis. This approach allows you to automate the process of developing management systems with fuzzy logic.