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№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Kazakov M., Cruchkova E. N.

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Image classification is a complex problem due to classes’ natural variability, possibly visual intersections and due to lacking of sufficient information in visual representation only. Classification methods bases on representing images as a set of visual words and then transforming them into appearance frequency histogram has proved it’s stability in last years. However, such approach is based on usage of a set of separated classifiers trained on some learning sets, and lacking any information about relations between them. Such information can be useful when image being analyzed contains some form of classes’ intersection or instances of more than one class. In that case whole-image classification can become unreliable and some king of post-processing is required. Current work explores the possibility to use information contained in semantic graphs for described problem. With a set of words in natural language as vertices in semantic graphs it is possible to gather connected learning images with usage of search systems like Google. Edges in semantic graph can be used a metric base for verification and correction algorithms which runs after a separated whole-image classification process. It is possible in some cases to combine semantically-close classes when analyzing a complex image and when separated whole-image classification becomes unreliable. Such method is given, with used formulas and results in table form.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Rusakov О., Apleev D.

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We introduce a generalization of the Vasicek model, when a spot-rate consists in a weighted sum of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with different values of the viscosity parameter. Our generalization gives a model and quantitative valuation in such type of the market non-homogeneity, when the spot rate is forming by agents of different types of their behavior. We derive formulae for the spot-rate forecast and for estimation of the corresponding square risks. For estimation of weights of agents and estimation of an inertness coefficient of their investments, we execute method of the numerical inverse Laplace transform, which is applied to historical data of auto-covariance time series of the spot rates. As a result, we obtain a number of numerical expressions for the spot-rates of obligations of USA, Japan, and Russia, where two types of agents are distinguished by inertness of their money criteria, and their corresponding two relative weights are estimated. The results obtained in the paper may be applied in decision support systems for spot-rates forecasting. Developed methods may be helpful for an investor who makes tactical or/and strategic decisions as well as an analyst for estimating quantitative characteristics of market interest rates risk and dynamics.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
Authors: Razumov D., Aleshin V.

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Anthropogenic accidents of last years, practice of their overcoming besides methods and means on prevention of crisis situations make demands to designing and creation of the modern regional automated control systems. Based on lifecycle models, proposes formalization of tasks for which it is expedient to use Simulation Modeling (SM). Actually talking about the formalization of a life cycle (LC) system, building a model of a system lifecycle as with customer, as in the case of supplier and standard decision about the necessity of «binding» targets that could effectively be addressed using SM to model lifecycle of the system. In article is offered the complex model of development, operation and the subsequent development of a control system in crisis and emergency situations. It is under construction on the basis of modern understanding of life cycle of the automated systems (State standard specification P ISO/MEK 15288:2005), relying on basic provisions state standard specifications 34 which for the state organizations are a basis of culture of design. The settled state standard specification 34 «linear» model is supplemented with ideas of a continuity and continuous improvement. It as well as possible corresponds to specifics of ACS in crisis and emergency situations. Besides basic standards, the special attention is paid to participants of creation and operation of ACS in crisis and emergency situations, to their roles and interaction on all phases of life cycle.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
The author: Fedorova А.

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In the article, alongside with the detailed review of the nature of the international indexes of development of an information society, the place of Russia in the international ratings is determined. The best and worst components in structure of indexes with reference to Russia come to light. Connection of the international indexes of development of an information society to strategy of development of Russia till 2020 is considered. Firstly it is considered the ICT Development Index (IDI), next is Networked Readiness Index (NRI) and third considered index is E-Government development (E-Government Readiness Index / EGRI). You can find formulas of index calculation here. The article will be useful for those, who want to investigate international dynamic of indexes and who want to construct modification of indexes for purpose of adaptation its to domestic regions or any country. For more sophisticated understanding of the nature of international indexes author refers to international documents about its.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Mathematical models in economy
Authors: Smirnov O. A., Haritonov S.

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Analysis of models for the development of airport infrastructure and ground service of civil aviation of Russia suggests that the most significant indicators of the effectiveness of airport operations from the perspective of a choice of methods of industrial policy, are the levels of fees. Evaluation of the establishment of the cost of ground maintenance indicates that some charges may vary as every few years (for example, the towing fee for take-off and landing), and others several times a month (fees for aviation kerosene). Therefore, the evaluation of the effectiveness of regulation for the development of airport infrastructure must be conducted no less than once a month, if industrial policies should include the creation of a new business model and at least once per year in the case of improving the institutional environment for the implementation of airport activity. Thus, the algorithmic evaluation of the effectiveness of the model for the development of airport infrastructure should include the possibility of permanent (at least once per month) revaluation mapping of airports on the level of charges. Also it is shown that for a more precise definition of change is measured using a multi-dimensional classification is not only based on the totality of data on fees in the Federal airports, but also within individual clusters, while using a wider list of analyzed indicators.
№ 1(55) 27 february 2015 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Kaigorodtsev G., Kravchenko A. V.

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The introduction of information systems (IS) in enterprise management, as experience shows, quite rarely leads to increase in nomenclature of processed data. The obtained IS-related economic effectiveness is usually lower than for other innovations in production. For the first time it was noted by Academician V. A. Trapeznikov, who showed that the causes of this are not temporary or technology- related, but have fundamental basis, defined by the nature of information processes. The work proposes the common approach for estimating the effectiveness and optimization of main parameters of production-technological information systems; we also put forward a method for estimating the maximum (economically feasible) dimensions of mathematical programming problems that implement the strategic functions of enterprise management. We also show major dependencies both for optimization of parameters and estimation of IS local functions efficiency, as well as IS strategic functions. The proposed methods are probably of most interest for the enterprises in machine-building industry, which manufacture high-complexity products. The experience of creating IS for such objects showed that the customer is unable to formulate complete and accurate requirements for the future system. That is why the process of task setting and software development inevitably becomes iterative. The analysis of the results of the current stage may lead to changes in any previous ones, to the extent of creating new versions. To manage such an unpredictable process, it is necessary to estimate full project cost and its effectiveness based on express-inspection of the enterprise. This method, which is using advantages of macro-approach to describing complex objects, in fact allows the completion of this goal even before any works have started. In addition, quite limited amount of available data is required for calculations.