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№ 4(46) 16 august 2013 year
Rubric: Market processes modeling
Authors: Borodin A. I., Katkov E. V., Streltsova E.

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This paper proposes a new approach to the evaluation of investment attractiveness of innovative projects in the linguistic uncertainty caused by the nature of qualitative criteria to be applied. The authors propose an economic and mathematical model that supports decision-making about the level of investment attractiveness of the project that is based on the use of the mathematical apparatus of the theory of fuzzy algebra and implemented with specialized package Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in the system MATLAB. The advantage of using this model is the ability to formally describe the knowledge of experts and professionals in selecting strategic guiding economic and production structures, in addition to evaluating the economic benefits of the project semi-structured assessment of social utility and environmental safety.безопасности.
№ 4(46) 16 august 2013 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Lyubimov E. V.

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The article discusses the construction of an effective management system IT outsourcing company. Flow method traditionally used the organization of processing customer requests; however, in conditions of diversity of IT infrastructure requires a clear allocation of roles and responsibilities within the company. Shows the adaptation of ITIL process models for specific queuing customers and developed a system of motivation.
№ 4(46) 16 august 2013 year
Rubric: Сhemical technologies
Authors: Dudarev V. A., Filoretova O. A.

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Currently an enormous number of databases on inorganic substances and materials properties exist that contains multidirectional information. Modern multifunctional devices development requires knowledge of a diverse set of materials properties. That makes the integration task of databases in the problem domain of great importance. The article is devoted to questions of integrated information system on inorganic material properties creation.
№ 4(46) 16 august 2013 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Babenko V. V., Gol`chevskij Y. V.

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The paper discusses the problem, arising in the educational process of training on Information Technology — is it possible to choose the «optimal» programming language, suitable for all programming tasks, easy to learn and use, and guarantees excellence? Professional tasks that require programming skills for specialists in Applied Computer Science are considered. Programming languages and development environments (or specific implementations of languages) that must be included into a «set of optimal programming tools» for specialists in applied computer science are compared.
№ 4(46) 16 august 2013 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Grigor`ev S. N., Loktev M. A., Tolok A. V.

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This paper is devoted to the application of computer graphics tools in order to devise graphic techniques of solving of mathematical problems. Examples of solving combined algebraic linear equations and mathematical programming problems are given.
№ 4(46) 16 august 2013 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
The author: CHuvilin K. V.

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The problem is to construct the differences of LaTeX documents. Each document is represented as a parse tree whose nodes are called tokens. All of the text is splitted into fragments whose boundaries correspond to tokens. The map of the text fragments and the corresponding map of characters is constructed. Tokens, that chars are all deleted, or all inserted, or all not changed, are selected. The map for the trees formed with other tokens is built using Zhang-Shasha algorithm.