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№ 6(42) 26 december 2012 year
Rubric: Mathematical models in economy
Authors: Haritonov S., Dik V. V., Ulitina E. V.

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The gradual application of hierarchy analysis method for the evaluation tasks is described. The characteristic and mathematical algorithm method is presented. All calculations and features of the assessment are considered using a through example illustrating each step.
№ 6(42) 26 december 2012 year
Rubric: Information visualization
The author: Artyuhin V.

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Modern graphic editors allow to create infographics quick and easily through the end result are sometimes suffers from perception point of view. The author of presented article pinpoint the fact that graphical representation must be developed for each different case, not just reused blindly. Graphics can be seen as an instrument and result of scientific research at the same time, thus the quality of the whole research is defined among else by quality of graphics. Author also offers an approach to development of a technique for statistical graphics assessment.
№ 1(43) 21 february 2013 year
Rubric: Market processes modeling
Authors: Dli M. I., Kakatunova T.

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The necessity of the use of cognitive maps for the simulation of innovative development of the region is proved. The main innovation of modeling is in fuzzy cognitive maps. New kind of fuzzy cognitive maps incorporating uncertainty and variability of system performance are elaborated.
№ 1(43) 21 february 2013 year
Rubric: Production management
The author: CHertovskoj V. D.

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The procedure formalizing the process of adaptive automatic control is considered. The method of describing proposed by the author, taking into account, in particular, features of the production management in a market economy provides a basis for adaptive information systems simulation and debugging.
№ 1(43) 21 february 2013 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
The author: Emelyanov A.

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In the abstract modeling of social, economic and competitive, political, military and legal processes and in other areas where there is some difficulty with the use of formal models, actors as well as the theory of actor networks are being used. Recently, the actor approach was applied by the author for developing a new paradigm of simulation, which is shown in this paper. Its implementation required the creation of a new system simulation, including the system structure analysis, simulation models prototyping and creation. The paper presents its concepts and features.
№ 1(43) 21 february 2013 year
Rubric: Mobile technologies
Authors: Abdrahmanova A. M., Namiot D.

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This paper discusses indoor positioning system based on QR-codes deployment. Authors present a special content management system (CMS) which enables users to create mobile services for navigation and positioning on the premises.