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№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Information risk
Authors: Malchukov A., Osokin A. N.

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In this paper we consider fast matrix-driven algo¬rithm for computing the checksum on the examples: CRC8 and CRC32. This algorithm is easy to imple¬ment in combinational circuits and does not require storage device in the hardware implementation. The proposed algorithm requires less memory with its software implementation in contrast to table-driven implementation, especially in the processing of two, three or more bytes of data per cycle. A comparative analysis of the table-driven and the proposed matrix-driven algorithms is done and recommendations on the use of a matrix algorithm for computing the checksum CRC are given.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Object recognition
Authors: Kondratenkov I. B., Rubanov L. I.

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The distinct tendency of transition from the tradi¬tional passive systems of video surveillance, to the semi-automatic systems, drawing attention of the operator only in really necessary situations was out¬lined today. The Intellectual Video-Surveillance Sys¬tem (or Intelligent Surveillance System) term is used for such computer systems of surveillance which are carrying out the control over changes of the observ-able scene. In this article described the coprocessing method for video sequences in the space and time areas. It is intended for application as a part of surveillance systems along with other known methods of pro¬cessing and the analysis of the video data.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
Authors: Eremenko Y. I., Doronina E. G.

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Management of ecological safety is rather actu¬al problem demanding multidisciplinary approaches and modular decisions. For the decision of problems it is offered to use technology of multi-agent systems which distinctive feature is individual and distributed approach. The multi-agent system consists of some intellectual information agents reflecting all hierarchi¬cal levels of ecological-economic system. Agents are capable to cooperate and adapt for changing of external conditions.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Technology experiments
Authors: Ivancov D. I., CHumichkin A. A., Hrustalev E. Y.

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For all automated management systems the task of data representations creation is one of the ma¬jor. In the automated management systems there is a certain class of data representations for which there are no automated creation methods meeting modern requirements. It stipulates an urgency of de¬veloping the technology for automated creation of data representations.

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Technology experiments
Authors: Orlov Y. N., Osminin K. P.

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In this paper we solve the problem of literature texts classification on genres and authors by means of statistical methods. The main instrument of this analysis is the text distribution function by letters and also the sample distribution function. Every text under consideration has sufficiently large volumes, so that its distribution can be treated as stationary one with the accuracy about 3%. For such texts the distances between their distributions are calculated in the space of integrable functions. Classification criterion is based on the closeness between two-lateral text distributions. This method enables to determine the author with the accuracy of 5% and genre — with the accuracy of 15%. One-lateral

№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Technology experiments
Authors: CHoporov S. V., Gomenyuk S. I., Lisnyak A. A.

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A problem of geometrical modeling of complex solids is the actual problem of modern applied math¬ematics, CAD and CAGD, computer graphics. A theory of R-functions allows to produce a sin¬gle real function for the functional representation of a complex object. R-function is a real function, which sign is completely defined by signs of it arguments (in general, some property of function is completely defined by same properties of arguments). The method of R-functions combines clearness of the CSG and the power of mathematical functions.
