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№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: E-learning
The author: Doroshenko N. B.

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The author discusses cognitive success mechanisms of a multimedia lecture organization and conduct based on recent neuroscience research. Appropriate recommendations for preparing e-learning materials are given.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
The author: Emelyanov A.

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Traditional scientific and practical conference "Simulation. Theory and practice" (held in Russia since 2003). Last conference was held in St. Peters¬burg, in the House of Scientists on the Palace Embankment. Simulation as a research methodology is becoming increasingly popular. This is confirmed by large number of participants of IMMOD-2009 (to¬tal 231). Continue...
№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
The author: Kobelev N. B.

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Global and local systems where change of energy in a broad sense of the word is considered and modeled, are used almost everywhere, but the concept of energy is not. Actually the energy is the generalized indicator which always takes place. For example: it is possible to measure money, fuel, human and scientific potential by means of appropriate power expenses. The energy is a common equivalent for all metrics.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Actor modeling
The author: Emelyanov A.

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Simulation models of economic processes belong to hard to formalize models. There are a lot of reasons for this. For example, economic processes apart from temporary dynamics possess properties of financial and space dynamics. This article considers the program-methodical tools for elimination of problems, arising by simulation. Actor simulation is a possible problem solution by means of its specific features.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Concepts of modern science
The author: Volkova V.

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The author considers the content of a course "Contemporary natural sciences concepts. Unified contemporary natural sciences concept creation may take place on the base of system-dialectical and humanitarian-ethical concepts integral combination through the system approach development in theory of developing systems direction creation of consolidating ideas and methods of system theory, synergetic and informational approach.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Information theory
The author: Volkova V.

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Article about outstanding Russian scientist Yuri I. Shemakin and results of his versatile activities: from research into measuring methods for moving targets co-ordinates, aircraft torpedoes and winged rockets pointing at submarine targets, development forecast for different armament and fighting equipment class¬es to the scientific idea on Universe system organi¬zation semantic paradigm
