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№ 5(29) 30 october 2010 year
Rubric: Production management
The author: Makarevich O. A.

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A mathematical cost-efficiency estimating model for integrated production systems based on vertically integrated production technology is suggested. Extra charges portion, profit margin, cycles per period and the number of manufacturing companies included in the technology chain are among the parameters of the model.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
The author: Pahalkova A. A.

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In Russia insurance became the main serious tool for risks control because of immaturity and un¬popularity of idea of risk-management. There is a re¬quirement for support of a steady financial and eco¬nomic substantiation of economic efficiency of used budgetary funds at liquidation of emergency situa¬tions in various locales and branches of our coun¬try, including implantation of system of risk-manage¬ment. A probability tree is the graphics or tabular ap¬proach to the organization of possible sequences of monetary streams.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
Authors: Nemtinov V. A., Egorov E. S., Manaenkov A. M., Morozov V. V.

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The authors describe technology of represen¬tation of spatially-distributed data in the Internet. Its key element is geo-information system for display of bidimentional materials, such as plans of industrial units and communications, technological schemes, drawings of devices, etc. As a base for visualization of these materials cartographical web-service Map-server is used. For visualization of three-dimensional models of the spatially-distributed objects Web-Pub¬lishing and eDrawings are used. Attributive information necessary for visualization of plans and models of objects is displayed by means of tools created in PHP.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Training technologies
The author: Luk`yanov P. B.

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For complex software systems the actual prob¬lem is User immersion into the program ideology to improve the efficiency of its use. The paper pres¬ents a methodology for describing the software product that enables the formal yet clearly describe the operation of program to User. The proposed ap¬proach shows the User his role and contribution to the final results of the program.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
The author: Artyuhin V.

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The article delineates the system of negative consequences of «Social Web» (or «Web 2.0») im¬pact development. Though the new paradigm gives great possibilities for constructive activity, such phenomena as falling level of literacy, lowering rele¬vance of search output and confidence to the elec¬tronic information are more and more noticeable as «Web 2.0» comes into power. According to the author, there are three possible scenarios of future events most negative of which, though quite Prebable, is definitive littering of the Internet. Outputs are supported by facts and results obtained through substantial theoretic researches and overviews.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Simulation system
The author: Moskin N. D.

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The article describes analysis tools of text collec¬tions on the basis of graph-theoretic models, imple¬mented in information system «Folklore». With the help of these tools, input, storage, editing, visualiza¬tion, aggregation and comparative analysis of texts and their graph-theoretic models are realized. These methods can be used to solve the problems of genre differentiation and attribution of texts, compiling of the¬matic indexes, abstracting and information retrieval.
