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№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Information infrastructure
Authors: Ylyanova N., Sinyaya M.

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Document flow is an important link in the organization of workflow of any company, since it determines not only the instances of document movement, but also the speed of document movement. Under the organization of a document flow, the rules are understood according to which the movement of documents should occur. The organization combines the entire sequence of document movements in the organization’s management staff, all operations for receiving, transmitting, compiling and processing, sending documents to the file. In modern companies, employees of various departments are increasingly faced with the problem of a lengthy and inefficient process of documenting business trip. Thus, the need to automate the process of arranging travel is obvious. This will reduce the time for the creation, coordination and approval of travel, the risks of losing documents will disappear. Automation of this business process will streamline the work and significantly speed up the execution of the final task. The authors automatized the document flow of the “The business trip formalization” process using the example of Desnol Soft Bryansk, a company that develops computer software on the 1C: Enterprise platform. Automating the document flow of the business trip formalization process required presenting this business process as “as it should be” using the BPMN notation. After that, the process was developed and implemented in the program in 1C: Document 8. The development of the document flow automation process of the business trip processing is used in the company and ensures reliable data storage; reduction of information processing time; reducing labor intensity and facilitating the labor of workers; prevent errors when working with documents; implementation of operational data exchange. Presented automation of business processes can be used by the management of other companies, whose employees are often engaged in the formalization of business trips.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Processes and systems modeling
Authors: Kuklin E., Malanova T.

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In modern conditions, evacuation is one of the main ways to ensure the safety of people in the event of an emergency, in particular, in case of fire. The task of determining the level of fire risk in buildings includes many factors that affect the outcome of the evacuation. This leads to the need to simulate evacuation using information technology. The article describes a combined model of the development of events during a fire, including modeling both the spread of a fire in a building and its dangerous factors, as well as the behavior of people during evacuation in an emergency. Using the Unity 3D engine, a software product has been developed that allows you to visualize the course of events during a fire, taking into account these factors. Simulation of fire and agent behavior is performed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 in C#. The use of Unity component structure allowed to bind the scripts to the corresponding types of objects (agent, fire source, evacuation area) and reproduce the described patterns of their behavior. The behavior of agents is modeled taking into account the level of emotional state of the agent, his field of vision, his level of awareness of the structure of the building, volitional and leadership qualities. To test the performance of the model, the premises of the building were recreated. A number of experiments have been performed. On the basis of the developed model, it is possible to obtain, without using large computing power, the most complete picture of the evacuation course during a fire, to evaluate the level of fire risk taking into account both objective and psychological factors.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Processes and systems modeling
Authors: Guryanova O., Nazarova L.

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The article is devoted to the problem of the transition to the color space of printing synthesis using the intermediate space of the mathematical evaluation of color to obtain high-quality color reproduction on various materials. The relevance of the article is caused by insufficient knowledge of the issues related to the transition from the additive system of color coordinates to subtractive when Pantone colors are substituted by CMYK. The purpose of this work is to identify a possibility of using the intermediate space of mathematical color estimation when Pantone colors are substituted by CMYK and reproduction on various materials. The objects of research are prepress processes. The subjects of the study are the methods for color evaluating and choose of the optimal correction for reproduction of an image without distortion of colors. The research problem is that the standard profile is a correspondence of color coordinates specified in tabular form, which are not enough to achieve color reproduction on reproductions without distortion. Additionally, when printing on various materials, it is necessary to take into account its’ characteristics in order to be able to create a profile of the printing press. When switching from one color space to another, additional processing is possible aimed at changing the color coordinates. The authors substantiated the conclusion that in order to print Pantone colors as a standard triad, it is necessary to determine the occurrence of color into the color gamut of the printing press and perform an additional processing for the quality color transition. The scientific novelty of the study shows the ability to print these Pantone colors with CMYK colors on various materials with the necessary physiological accuracy of reproduction. To achieve the acceptable value of the color difference in the reproduction, the use of selective correction methods is necessary. Thus, it is necessary, along with traditional methods, the authors propose to develop models, methods and means of additional processing using the capabilities of software as a combination of methods of transition from one color space to another.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Dmitriev N.

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We propose a complex method of reconstruction of values on topographic maps for creating of digital terrain models by use of produced hypsographic plans and recognized values of altitude marks. These digital terrain models can be used further as base for decision support system or geographic information system. Reconstruction is based on interpretation of the plan as weighted directed graph. Nodes of the graph are contour lines; edges are possibilities of direct transition between two nearestneighbor contour lines. Weights are values of slopes between two lines. Missed values are finding by algorithm based upon breadth-first search that analyze subspaces between hypsographic curves with morphological operations. Mistaken altitude marks are deleted by using comparison of results produced by started breadth-first search from different nodes. Formulas for morphological analysis and calculation of slopes are presented. Method is tested on prepared topographic maps based on digital terrain models generated with diamond-square algorithm. Preparing involves deleting of intermediate values and replacing indexed values and altitude marks with wrong numbers. Method reconstructs all values without any mistakes with recognition error up to 37% and speed of 4.1 seconds per megapixel and can be used in work of geodesic companies.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Simonova N., Diyazitdinova A., Lozhkarev A., Tikhonova M.

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In this article the problem of development of systems of technical vision of preliminary processing of images for the purpose of allocation of characteristic features of objects is considered. The characteristic features of the detection of moving objects using the inter-frame difference in the Matlab medium are analyzed. It can be noted that there are many methods for detecting objects: algorithms based on various frame differences, as well as modeling and subtraction of the rear lights. These methods for detecting moving objects on video data are: background subtraction method, background subtraction method using a mixture of Gaussian distributions, contouring, and much more. The necessity of using binarization and noise in order to improve the recognition of the object boundaries and the quality of the image is identified and justified. On the basis of the conducted research the author offers to allocate a mathematical way of interpretation, the main characteristics of the analysis of the inter-frame difference making the mathematical and technical way are formulated. The author also uses mathematical morphology to analyze the image in terms of its shape in order to perform a series of transformations on the images that change the shape of the objects contained in the image.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Software engineering
Authors: Stebelev P., Nazarova O., Prasolova E., Saganenko A.

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RPA is a computer program that is configured to automate tasks previously performed by humans. The goal is minimizing routine work by attracting virtual employees. UiPath is one of the most popular RPA tools, due to the ability to automate any processes and applications,an intuitive interface that even a business user can easily master. The ideology of RPA implies the existence of a library of possible robot actions - the smallest unbreakable elements of automation in THE RPA, in UiPath’s terminology of activities. The article examines the formation of the lifecycle of the RPA implementation project. The analysis phase selects business processes, which boils down to the creation of a Process Design Document (PDD) process development document. This only one document provides insight into the process needed to develop the RPA solution. The methodology of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is used to review the analysis stages, which main purpose is to provide an accessible notation for describing the business processes of all users: from analysts who create process diagrams and developers responsible for the implementation of business process technologies to managers and ordinary users who manage these business processes and monitor their implementation. Based on this document, the solution architect creates a technical project with distribution to different functions and develops indicators for auditing. The technical design result is the first version of the Solution Design Document (SDD). In addition to the SDD document, an assessment of the necessary efforts and a time-review of the developed process are being worked out during the development phase and the recommended basis for automation. At the end of the article, an updated life-cycle model and models of each of the stages are presented, which allow reducing time costs, as well as avoiding options for various kinds of inaccuracies and adjustments.