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№ 5(83) 25 october 2019 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
Authors: Gribanova E., Karmanovskaya E., Logvin I.

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The article is devoted to the development of a spreadsheet model of a fast food restaurant. When creating the model, the data of real object was used. The type of distribution was determined using the Chi square test. The model includes two phases of request processing related to the purchase and preparation of meals and table service. Requests can come in groups of several people. Customers do not receive service if the queue length exceeds the maximum value or if all tables are occupied. The model is implemented using Excel formulas without programming. The program developed by the authors was used for the implementation of multiple simulation. The program includes a set of typical scenarios designed to handle a spreadsheet model. This eliminates the need for programming and speeds up the process of working with the model. As a result of computational experiments were calculated indicators such as average revenue, the average number of failures and the average waiting time. The article may be useful for readers, who want to create basic models of queues systems using spreadsheets. The model can be used both in the educational process and in the study of the process of restaurant service and decision-making to improve it.
№ 5(83) 25 october 2019 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Dolzhenko A., Glushenko S., Shpolyanskaya I. Y.

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The paper deals with the analysis of the microservices architecture quality, which is one of the fundamental software trends to the development and maintenance of modern information systems. The selection of the optimal set of microservices implementing information system business processes with a given level of service quality is an important task to improve the efficiency of the system. The solution of this problem occurs under conditions of high uncertainty due to the lack of data, the complexity of the description of the functional relationships, that determine the quality of microservices assigned to business tasks of information system. Integral assessment of the quality of microservices depends on functional (qualitative) and non-functional (quantitative) parameters, which adds complexity to the solution of this problem. Existing approaches to the problem do not fully take into account all the factors that determine such a choice. Implementation of continuous delivery of software components for dynamic business processes can be carried out by different sets of microservices, the optimal choice, and composition of which is a complex multi-alternative task. A fuzzy model is proposed for the selection of a set of microservices with specified levels of service quality. An example shows the possibility of the microservices-based architecture quality assessment using a fuzzy approach.
№ 5(83) 25 october 2019 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Dli M. I., Bulygina O. V., Kozlov P.

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Every day, a large number of appeals (statements, proposals or complaints) submitted in unstructured text form are received on Internet portals and e-mails of public authorities. The quality and speed of automatic processing of such electronic messages directly depend on the correctness of their classification (rubrication). It consists in assigning the received message to one or several thematic rubrics that determine the directions of the departments. The choice of a mathematical approach to analysis and rubrication directly depends on the characteristics of incoming appeals. The analysis of their specifics (small size, the presence of errors, a free-style of the problem statement, etc.) has revealed the impossibility of using classical approaches to the classification of text documents. The article suggests using the apparatus of fuzzy decision tree for rubricating small-sized unstructured text documents arriving at Internet portals and e-mails of public authorities. It allows classification under conditions of the rubric intersection and a lack of statistical information for applying probabilistic and neural network methods. The proposed model for the document rubrication is distinguished by the consideration of syntactic relationships and roles of words in the sentences based on the use of binary fuzzy decision tree. The tree is constructed on the basis of the results of analysis of the degree of rubric thesaurus intersection and the distances between rubrics in the n-dimensional feature space.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Miroshnichenko I., Klimenko A., Samarskaya M., Shcherbakov S.

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The analysis of software tools for the formation of educational and methodological documentation in the university (work programs, funds of assessment tools, passports of competencies, etc.) by the criterion of functional completeness was carried out. A list of software features has been highlighted, a comparative quantitative assessment has been made. The results of the analysis allowed to systematize information about the functional completeness of the educational and methodological documentation generation software, to rank the existing systems according to the criterion of functional completeness, to identify groups of similar systems.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Educational environment
The author: Prokimnov N.

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Recent decades have been marked by significant changes, both in the very concept of higher education, and in the internal organization of the system. Among the features characteristic of the current period are a significantly increased number of students and the expansion of their age range, which naturally affected the nature of the work of the university teachers whose accounting and organizational duties are beginning to take up a steadily growing proportion of their time. Such conditions stimulate the search for possible ways and means to mitigate the negative impact of these factors as much as possible by automating repetitive routine operations. The approach proposed in this paper is based on the idea previously proposed by the author along with its implementation in the form of a software application based on a spreadsheet editor and represents its significant development. Among the advantages of the advanced version, one may note both higher systematization level and functional diversity, as well as improved technical parameters. The significantly increased volume and complexity of the modernized version led to the need to develop and implement concepts and rules of internal construction. The work contains a description of the functional features of the application, the basic principles of its organization, as well as information regarding the technical characteristics of the current sample. The proposed principles for constructing a software framework may in the opinion of the author be useful for creating and maintaining applications using a similar platform.
№ 6(84) 20 december 2019 year
Rubric: Information infrastructure
Authors: Abzalov A., Samigullina R., Zhiganov A.

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Online courses and testing systems are becoming an integral part of distance learning systems today. As an increasing number of people embrace online examinations, the need for validity protection becomes more important. Personification is a huge challenge in online examinations administering because of online users’ anonymity. In this article, we solved this problem through the use of keystroke dynamics, which refers to the identification of users based on their typing patterns. Our work confirmed the fact that it is possible to distinguish users according to their typing patterns. Our architecture promises higher accuracy and reliability compared to other methods that use the dynamics of keystrokes to distinguish between real and fake users, since it has 3 levels. The architecture contains of a statistical level, machine learning level, and a logical comparison level in hierarchical order. When a user signs up in the system, his typing data is automatically captured for use in templates generation. The templates are used as references to continuously authenticate the user while taking an online examination. An experiment was conducted, the research results showed that the accuracy of user authentication was 97.5%. Also we found out that our architecture outperformed other decision in several aspects. That aspects are also observed in our work.