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№ 4(82) 30 august 2019 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Sergienko S., Kukartsev V., Vaitekunene E.

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One of the main activity of a commercial bank is the issuance of loans. Loan applications to the bank can be received very much. They are processed in special departments and evaluated for the ability of the borrower to fulfill its obligations. Since the bank allocates a limited amount of cash for issuing loans and sets the framework for allowable losses from the estimated income, a certain number of applications must be rejected. The question is how to create a list of approved applications in order to get as much revenue as possible and meet the above limitations. This paper deals with this problem. Since it has a higher dimension, it is proposed to use a modified genetic algorithm to solve it. The modifications were made to the initial population formation operator and the new generation operator. The initial population is not generated randomly, but by a certain algorithm within acceptable limits. And in the formation of a new generation, it is replenished by individuals from the array of the best solutions in the event that the algorithm stagnates. Software was developed using this algorithm to solve the problem. The operation of the algorithm was investigated and it was revealed at what values of the parameters of the algorithm, it shows better results.
№ 4(82) 30 august 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Chekanin V., Chekanin A.

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The article is devoted to algorithms for obtaining outlines of two-dimensional and three-dimensional orthogonal polyhedrons. An orthogonal polyhedron is a geometric figure representing the union of non-overlapping orthogonal objects (rectangles or parallelepipeds in the two-dimensional or three-dimensional case, respectively) with a fixed position relative to each other, considered as a single whole object. The need to use orthogonal polyhedrons as individual objects arises, in particular, at solving a number of resource allocation problems. When an orthogonal polyhedron is being drawn, there should be displayed only those edge fragments of its orthogonal objects that compose the outline of the orthogonal polyhedron. The article contains a detailed description of the developed algorithms to obtain a set of edges belonging to the outline of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional orthogonal polyhedron. The algorithms are based on the idea of searching and cutting off segments located on edges belonging to several orthogonal objects belonging to the considered orthogonal polyhedron. The developed algorithms provide the possibility of visualization of arbitrary orthogonal polyhedrons, including those containing any holes. The algorithms presented in the article are implemented in the developed applied software intended to optimize the solution of resource allocation problems of various dimension, including the orthogonal packing and rectangular cutting problems.
№ 4(82) 30 august 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Bajnev V.

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The article is devoted to the description of the developed method and algorithm for finding the intersection of a ray with a triangle based on kd-trees. The algorithm allows to reduce the number of viewed items when searching, to speed up the process of searching for the intersection of the beam with a certain area. Here are considered the advantages and disadvantages of kd-trees, the most popular types of trees, their advantages and disadvantages. The author introduced the necessary abstractions for optimizing structures that allow accelerating ray tracing, and describes the implementation of the ray tracing algorithm based on kd-trees. The quality assessment of the constructed tree was made. An example is given of determining the best location of the section plane for a group of elements limited to one volume only. The algorithm for counting the number of elements to the left and right of the partition plane is described. Analyzed aspects of the implementation of the algorithm in terms of assessing its complexity. An algorithm for traversing a kd-tree, based on recursion, has been developed. These algorithms can significantly accelerate the process of modeling the ray tracing in the optical system of a light device for further analysis of its lighting characteristics.
№ 4(82) 30 august 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Trub I.

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The article continues learning of database hierarchical bitmap indices simulation model, that was earlier built by author. Target of research is to find optimal time unit size of the second level index for arbitrary distributions of new database records flow, query time length interval and granularity of query interval edges. The optimized value is average number of OR/XOR bitstring operations to satisfy range query. The usual way is to run model many times with different values of second level index size in accordance with chosen optimization method. Article proposes heuristic algorithm which allows to get very good initial approximation to optimal value with only one model run and in practice it quite can be assigned as the final solution. This result is obtained by some facts from renewal theory but mainly by consideration of special integral function from random model input data and replacement model output by values of this function. Mathematical properties of this function, that help to do such trick, are formulated and proved by means of simple number theory suggestions. It is noted, that this approach is similar to one, in which well known slice indexes are introduced . Proposed algorithm is confirmed by some numerical results for some kinds of input data distributions. Graphical illustrations of results are also presented.
№ 4(82) 30 august 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Tikhanychev O.

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Management of distributed systems that cannot be covered visually is usually done through the formation of a virtual model of such a system. A model that provides both the development of control actions and the management of their implementation. The analysis shows that in the pre-informational epoch such models were formed in a mental form, based on the logical and analytical reasoning of managers, according to the data of the gathering environment. Subsequently, the automation tools provided for the collection of information, its processing and presentation, simplifying the formation of a system model, but ensured this task to the end, without bringing it to a logical conclusion. The solution of the problem has come closer with the advent of “virtual reality” technologies, which allow us to form models of the required detail and efficiency in an almost automatic mode. Taking into account the needs of the management process and the possibilities of virtualization technologies, the article formulates proposals for describing and using the managed system model in decision support systems. Two main areas of application of virtualization are proposed and algorithmically described: when planning actions and managing the implementation of plans, as well as when training personnel.
№ 4(82) 30 august 2019 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Styugin M.

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The growing complexity of information systems raises popularity of techniques and methods of information security that are aimed at overcoming information asymmetry between an attacker and defense. Methods for protecting information systems from reconnaissance by an external intruder are among the areas in which such solutions are developed. Reconnaissance protection can be based on misinformation techniques or continuous modification of the system. Thus, information about the key parameters obtained by an adversary becomes obsolete either in the next instant of time or when applied to another software copy. Evaluation methods to be applied to the results of implementing the protection tools in terms of evaluating enhancement of the system’s security level in general are a matter of difficulty. The present paper presents a formalized procedure for evaluation of Reconnaissance Protection Techniques (RPT) based on mathematical models of Cyber Epidemic Dynamics. Additional terms and definitions, such as «network cohesion components», «border nodes», and «radially independent networks» were introduced into the model. It enabled calculating the relative level of the system’s security from being compromised based on the security parameters of the system’s border elements and graph connectivity components. The presented model enables defining the overall system security level with consideration to graph topology and pre-calculated security parameters of elements and subsystems. Consequently, we created a formalized evaluation method, which enables deriving relative security indices at the stage of designing architecture of information systems.