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№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Resource management
Authors: Kychkin A., Deryabin A., Shestakova L., Vikentieva O.

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The problem of designing a cyberphysical system used as a service for Smart buildings control using Internet technologies — Internet of Things (IoT) is considered. Such software platforms are part of the complex systems of the BEMS — Building Energy Management Systems and are an instrument for implementing energy savings in buildings. IoT servers and controllers form a management infrastructure in which the mechanisms of adaptation and data mining, which are continuously received from a large number of nodes, play a special role. In the absence of standards for the implementation of BEMS based on IoT, as well as increasing requirements for the composition and functions of analytical support, there is a need to unify software architectures and ensure their effective implementation in solving practical problems. Software component unification, including the scenario manager, provides operational software implementation using various information technologies, including cloud or foggy computing. The presented architectural templates clearly illustrate the possibilities of scaling and developing services for managing intelligent buildings using IoT. The projected open SaaS architecture software platform is an effective means for buildings energy managing with a contour of Data Mining. It can be used for replication of knowledge about the energy efficiency in buildings, including the use of renewable energy sources.
№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Terekhov A., Halin V., Yurkov A.

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Creation of an information and communication infrastructure of the digital economy requires specialists capable of initiating, developing, and implementing projects the necessary software products, information resources and technologies. In Russia there is still no scientific specialty exactly named Software Engineering for the training of post-graduate students and doctoral candi-dates. Moreover, such a specialty is missing in the list of scientific specialties on which the degrees of the candidate and the doctor of sciences are defend-ed. The article provides an analysis of the status of Russian higher education in the field of bachelor’s and master’s training in Software Engineering and related specialties and formulates a proposal to include Software Engineering in the Nomenclature of Specialties of Scientists of the Russian Federation. To solve this problem, it is necessary to organize training for specialists in this area at the third level of higher professional education, namely the training of PhDs — candidates and doctors of sciences — in the field of Software Engineering. The research is partially supported by the grant RFBR
№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
The author: Trub I.

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The article describes simulation model of search queries to database with logical operations on hierarchical bitmap indices. Proposed approach considers bitmaps on time property and combines multileveling of bitmaps with their binning on sequence of different time units. The input data are distribution of creation new records flow and distribution of query time interval, the varying condition is bitmap hierarchy, the model output is average number of OR/XOR logical operations to satisfy query. The target is to choose bitmap indices hierarchy, that minimizes this number. Simulation technique for such kind of model is very special, that is why model is manually implemented on C language in order to carefully cover all its features. Much attention is payed to output analysis as stopping rule when required confidence interval for target parameter is obtained. Mathematical background of model includes random number generators and some numerical methods, such as least square method, integration and spectral analysis. Model verification is provided by several ways, in particular, by comparison with existing analytical model results when input distribution is exponential. Several experiments confirm existence of optimal hierarchy and were carried out for different kinds of distributions including heavy-tailed. Graphical illustrations of simulation results are presented.
№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
Authors: Novikov A., Keyno P., Khoroshko L.

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The article examines the relevance of development architecture the cloud internet-service for organization application workflow on the scientific conferences. The main goal of the development is the building of digital scientific community to unite scientists, publishers and conference hosts. Article describes a functional set for automatic deployment of a customizable web-resource that can be easily configured to provide individual interface for processing application based on organizer’s purposes. Organizer can operate flexible model if fields which provides a wide range of functions for designing applications forms. Such model can provide a fields order, their types and additional options for each application in different sections. Every project can be divided into sections and each section can be operated by different persons. Each application has a status that shows a progress of revisited work. There are a four kind of status: approved, declined, in process, incomplete. Approved works automatically publishing on a user web-resource. All approved works also will be published on a automaticallygenerated digest that can be printed or uploaded on a web-site as electronic resource. The system can generate several kinds of a output documents like a digest, spreadsheet with statistics, programme of the event and so on. The internet-service that developed and described in the article can be interested by universities and scientific organizations. It optimizes a workflow of different events and decrease of routine tasks by digitalization.
№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Information infrastructure
Authors: Nefedov Y., Sergeeva A.

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The task of the study: to compare the difficulties identified in practice with the integration of information systems (IS) with the most promising approaches to their solution; thus, to identify the prerequisites for the creation of a full-fledged method of IS integration. The practical significance of this article is associated with the growing complexity of projects for the integration of information systems and the need to improve the efficiency of project teams. Before the trial integration project in a large retail company there was attempt of classification of issues for three levels: organizational, semantic and technical (according to GOST 55062 – 2012). The search for promising approaches to solve the most typical problems arising at the technical level was carried out.
The most significant conclusions are:
1. The relevance of the current national standard GOST 55062 – 2012 both for systematization of potential problem situations and for building a plan for the future integration of information systems is confirmed.
2. The relevance of micro-service architectural style for solving most typical problems of integration of is of technical level is experimentally confirmed.
№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Grachev A., Strakhov O.

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The present article is devoted to the analysis of characteristics of methods of installation of cloud ERP-systems. The goal of this work is to develop the algorithm that allows to select most effective method of installation of cloud ERP-systems. This can help the head management of the company in decision making. It also helps provider to improve services. An object of research is process of selection of a method of installation of cloud ERP-systems. With growth of the company the operational load increases, such changes require extension of functionality of enterprise information systems that first of all is reflected in ERP-systems. The problems in processes and control mean a need of transition to cloud ERP. This article provides study of the possibility of transfer of the existing ERP-systems to the cloud environment, comparement of characteristics of different installation methods and contains conclusions regarding the efficiency of installation methods for different specifics of the enterprises. The analysis shows that it is necessary to study needs of the organization and specifics of its business activity first. SaaS suits many companies in terms of simplicity and short term. Hybrid solutions allow some companies to save old production scheme while granting the flexibility of the processes that are not connected to production. The on-premises model loses its relevance as the functional capabilities and reliability of cloud computing constantly grow. The implemented solutions stop companies from using cloud ERP. However, hybrid solutions allow to save investements made into ERP while providing efficient cloud solution.