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№ 3(75) 29 june 2018 year
Rubric: Data protection
The author: Styugin M.

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The problem of exploitation of program code vulnerabilities is one of the most relevant for ensuring information systems security. This problem is frequently related to developer errors, to the lack of validation of input data and to subroutines. Recently, many different solutions for this problem have been proposed. However, their low efficiency is due to the inability to automatically separate a piece of code that is useful (from the point of view of the system’s function) from a code or range of values that are useless in terms of user value as well as those that are vulnerable. A method for analyzing a program execution based on signatures is proposed in this work. Thus, the input data generate a certain algorithm signature. Anomalies at the signature level indicate possible exploitation of vulnerabilities. Therefore, we can launch anomalous activity in a sandbox or correct the program code based on anomalous activity automatically. The implementation of the proposed technology uses a web server as an example and exhibits a high efficiency for detecting any remote attacks on the program code. Shortcomings include a high percentage of false positives. This percentage can be lowered by taking into account additional analysis of input values, which may be a future development direction of this study.
№ 3(75) 29 june 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Bazilevskiy M.

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When constructing regression models, the key stage is the model specification, which assumes the choice of composition and the mathematical form of the relationship between the variables in regression equation. To date, there is no system of standard recommendations and methods that would form a rigorous theoretical basis for selecting a model specification. The article is devoted to the problem of specification of regression models, namely, the subset selection in linear-multiplicative regressions. Linear-multiplicative regressions are non-linear in factors, but linear in parameters, and reflect the degree of joint influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. This problem can be formalized as a problem of partial-Boolean linear programming. Since the solution of such problems requires the computational capabilities of modern computers, a universal software package was developed for constructing linear-multiplicative regressions, which can be used in technical studies, economics, business, sociology, medicine, etc. To demonstrate its work, the problem of volume modeling passing large-capacity containers at the Zabaikalsk-Manchuria railway checkpoint. At the same time, the speed of solving such computational problems was tested.
№ 3(75) 29 june 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Matorin S., Zhiharev A.

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The aim of the work is to study the possibility of formalizing the system-object approach «Unit- Function-Object». To achieve this goal, the ideas of calculating Abadi-Kardeli objects were used in the formal description of the conceptual provisions of this approach. In terms of this calculus, a special object is formulated that represents the system as an element of Unit-Function-Object (UFO-element), and a corresponding graphical representation is proposed. Some algebraic operations with special objects as UFO-elements are described: connection of objects, association of objects on an input, association of objects on an exit. The described operations are considered as basic operations of the proposed system calculus as UFO-elements. They correspond to three structural phenomena and three kinds of objects from which any structure and system of any complexity can be created: a simple stream (a simple object), a merger of flows (a merging object), and a branching of the flow (branching object). As a matter of fact, these operations are reduced to describing in the terms of the Grenander pattern theory the «image» obtained by constructing a «configuration» of non-derivative objects (graphic formalisms) and describing non-closed connections. The classification of these elements by their nodes is proposed, which is based on the basic hierarchy of connection classes used within the system-object approach. This classification allows us to use a limited alphabetic set of elements when modeling systems. The developed calculus of systems as UFO-elements provides aggregation of such elements and facilitates their decomposition. In addition, this calculus allows us to take into account a number of system-wide regularities. The obtained results show the expediency of constructing a formalized system theory by expanding and improving the calculus formalizing the system-object approach, the foundations of which are presented in the work.
№ 3(75) 29 june 2018 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Tikhanychev O.

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One of the most important tasks of the mathematical support of any decision support system is the consolidation of the solutions being developed. At present, there are mathematical methods for consolidating joint solutions and methods for coordinating decision making. To coordinate the solution of tasks and the modeling necessary for the application of decision support systems, methods are used to harmonize the opinions of experts, and to coordinate the application of models and tasks. The latter is usually divided into methods of programmable and informal coordination. Practice has shown that existing approaches to coordination of decisions, both subjective and formal, do not provide automation of decision support. The article proposes to use hybrid approaches to provide a coordinated solution of problems and modeling. At the same time, it is determined that in the future, with the improvement of automation tools, informal decision-making methods can be used in decision support systems as the most promising. First of all, for decision support systems oriented to work with poorly formalized tasks. The formulation of the task of developing a dispatch model for decision support systems based on a neural network is formulated.
№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Interview, Borodin A. I., Yakovenko I.

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There are a lot of practical articles and scientific works devoted todevelopment and implementation of ERP systems, however, the rapid development of information technology, the change in the situation in the it market caused by the introduction of sanctions and focus on import substitution allow to evaluate the possibilities and prospects of automation of domestic enterprises. To discuss this topic on June 26, 2018 a meeting with the General Director ofthe «System Business Components» company Nalivayko S. V. and the Deputy General Director for Science and Development of the «System Business Components» company Strahov O. A. with the head ofInformation Systems Department of the «Synergy» UniversityDenisov D. V. was organized.Maleeva L. A., studying journalism in the Moscow Humanitarian University and now our intern, represented the «Applied Informatics Journal» editorial board in the conversation and the preparation of the material. The result of this meeting — interview published below.
№ 4(76) 31 august 2018 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Streltsova E., Borodin A. I., Yakovenko I.

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The article is devoted to solving the problem of improving the strategic management of industrial enterprises in conditions of uncertainty created by fluctuations in the external and internal environment conditioned by the current economic and political situation in the country, as well as market conditions. The purpose of the article is to develop tools that support decision making when choosing strategic guidelines for the development of enterprises using economic and mathematical methods. A study is made of the system of strategic management of an industrial enterprise with the property of development based on the application of the methodology of system analysis. The model of the process of strategic management is developed in the form of a logical structure containing a joint solving procedure for solving problems, starting with the study of the external environment and the development of the mission, and ending with the creation of an economic and mathematical toolkit and its use to evaluate decisions. Economic and mathematical tools have been built to support decision-making regarding the strategic guidelines for the development of an industrial enterprise in conditions of stochastic uncertainty. As a characteristic of the profitability of strategies chosen profitability. The toolkit is created in a class of simulation models and allows to reproduce the dynamics of a company’s profit and capital expenditures by the method of statistical tests, as well as to forecast on this basis the profitability of various options for strategic orientations of the enterprise’s functioning. The constructed economicmathematical models are algorithmized and implemented in a software product that allows the strategic manager to scientifically and quantitatively substantiate the decisions made in the dialogue with the computer. The article demonstrates the work of the software product in the course of simulation experiments and their processing in assessing the selected strategic benchmark in terms of profitability. The built model toolkit is intended for use in industrial enterprises to support strategic decisions.