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№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Computer modeling
Authors: Egorov А., Nikitin S., Savitskaya Т.

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Objective is developing a method of analyzing the reliability of complex chemical-technological systems using a web technology. To do this, have done review of the analogue programs of Russia and other countries (such as «ASONIKA-K», «ARBITR», «Relex Reliability Software», «Risk Spectrum» etc.) and regulations documents of Russian Federation including harmonized with international standards. Because of the development of information technology and of the current policy of import substitution it is relevant to use during the design, operation of equipment and in training of the domestic system is able to work remotely and in multiplayer mode. Presented the advantages and disadvantages of information technology for developing and development of systems of reliability analysis. Developed automated web-based application, given a description of its modular structure and the description of the structure of an integrated database in the form of ER-Diagrams. Have described the functionality of the application and shows examples of work with it. Including an example of creating a structure of chemical process system with the item settings (such as the distribution law, type of apparatus, failure rate) and the choice of the calculation method (RBD, Markov, General logical-probabilistic method). Presented the ways of modification of application for the develop of its-based computerbased training system.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Computer modeling
The author: Kantuykov R.

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Method and algorithm had been developed for analysis of amplitude-frequency characteristics of turbulent compressible gas flows using the multifractal spectra. In multifractal analysis we used images of hydrodynamic characteristics of gas flows that had been calculated by computer modeling. In this case the «particles in cells» model had been used. The resulting images of hydrodynamic characteristics were used to calculate Holder exponent. As a result of Holder exponent calculation we have got so called α-images. These α-images were used further to calculate multifractal spectra. The calculations were made for gas flows in the convergent tube. The multifractal spectra were used to calculate generalized fractal dimensions, namely: fractal dimension, information dimension and correlation dimension. It had been demonstrated that parabolic approximation of multifractal spectra is sufficient to describe frequency characteristics of turbulent gas flows in the convergent tube. It had also been proposed to use the correlation dimension as one of the frequency estimation criteria for turbulent compressible gas flows in pipes.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Automated control systems
Authors: Meshalkin V. P., Moshev E.

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The paper presents engineering and technical setting goals, the results of the development and application of heuristic and computing tools and complex programs of integrated logistics support life cycle of pipeline systems petrochemical companies. Shows the role of integrated logistics support as an important factor in ensuring serviceability and reliability of pipeline systems of petrochemical companies. The weaknesses of the existing level of application of information technology that ensure the implementation of integrated logistics support life cycle of pipeline systems of petrochemical companies are given. It is shown that to eliminate disadvantage is possible using software packages, which designed keeping in mind the methodology of system approach and methods of artificial intelligence theory, modern concepts of integrated logistics support and integrated information environment. The results of the systems analysis life cycle of pipeline systems are given. Engineering and technical setting goals of integrated logistics support life cycle of pipeline systems of petrochemical companies are Implemented. Presents a functional and hardware requirements for the complex of programs for implementation of integrated logistics support. the architecture, the computational-network structure, the composition of the database and description of functional modules of software complex programs of integrated logistics support life cycle of pipeline systems of petrochemical companies a «Pipeline» are given. The results of the practical application of the developed complex of programs «Pipeline» on one of the Russian enterprises are given.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Educational environment
Authors: Vasilenko E., Mescheryakova T.

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In this article are analyzed open object-oriented systems which can be used as environment for placing of informational and educational resources eLearning and for remote training (OpenSource LMS LCMS: ATutor, Claroline, Dokeos, Sakai, Moodle). It is necessary to use the modular object-oriented environment MOODLE as educational portal of the D. Mendeleev Chemical Technology University of Russia (http://moodle.muctr.ru). There are MOODLE possibilities for working out of informational and educational electronic resources and training materials for training courses «Informational technologies in chemistry» and «Intellectual property protection» according to the curriculum for students of chemical engineers. The most important elements of development for this direction are the information and education resources including electronic textbooks and manuals, materials of the practical training, laboratory works, workshops and the monitoring system of knowledge levels and the control system of educational process. Considering the increasing needs of quality education for regions, remote form training quickly develops and takes the important place in the sphere of educational activity of higher education institutions. Electronic educational resources take on the support of part of the training component, which in the typical educational process are provided a full-time teacher and student communication. Created special electronic information and educational resources on the subjects «Information technologies in chemistry», and «Intellectual property protection» are available for training to access http://moodle.muctr.ru/course/view.php?id=27 and http://moodle.muctr.ru/course/view.php?id=10.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Bulygina O. V.

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Today, development of Russian economy is inseparably connected with the application of high technologies and the practical introduction of radical innovations. In managing the project to create hightech products analysis of its implementation prospects plays an important role. It should be based on assessing the sufficiency of the internal resources and the accumulated potential of the enterprise, the favorable external conditions. The specific features of innovative activities, related to the statistics lack, have necessitated the usage of data mining techniques. In the article it's suggested the economic and mathematical apparatus for the diagnosis of various elements of internal and external enterprise environment, based on the modified algorithms of growing pyramidal networks. The modification is involved using the fuzzy logic methods to find reasonable single decision under the conditions of uncertainty. The fuzzy inference algorithms are applied to calculate the connection power between the factors and conditions and the vertex significance. The neuro-fuzzy classifier is used to get an aggregate assessment of the various indicators — the characteristics of internal and external enterprise environment. These methods are implemented as the expert-diagnostic system, which is built using the server pages of database Caché and tools of mathematical package MatLab. It is expected that the application of the described tools will enhance the validity of accepted decisions and reduce the errors in the initial stages of the project lifecycle.
№ 4(64) 26 august 2016 year
Rubric: Performance management
The author: Yarkova O.

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Major international airports have rather complex service structure. Insufficient attention to the management of the airport departments organizing service system has a negative impact on passengers who are facing with the uncomfortable organized control of documents, delays in the inspection of baggage. The article there was proposed the algorithm for the simulation modeling of passenger service systems also was conducted testing model. The model takes into account passengers which are came to the airport individually or as a part of group. At the stage of baggage reception we can view one group of passengers (ex.: family) as a one requirement which passes the first type of channel service. Then group goes to the queue of the service channel of the second type — checking documents and personal inspection. In this case each member of the group is serviced separately. After that the passenger is considered to be serviced and passenger is awaiting the beginning of the planting. Was presented algorithm and software to calculate the characteristics of passenger service at the stage of registration. The article posed and solved the problem of multicriteria optimizing parameters the mass service system of the departing passenger at the stage of registration of luggage, preflight inspection of documents and personal search at the airport «Orenburg». Created simulation model of the mass service system can be used for planning the work of officers serving passengers departing flights at the airports.