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№ 2(20) 01 march 2009 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
Authors: Bugorskij V. N., Tasin V. A.

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In this article the basic methodological problems connected with introduction of information systems for support of planning on the enterprises of communication are considered. Ways of overcoming of such problems are specified. The comparative analysis of two information systems most widespread in the market is given.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
Authors: Shorikov A. F., Bucenko E. V.

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The critical issue in obtaining the effective solution of investment designing management problems is a development of an underlying computer program complex for investment designing management optimization. To solve the task research in the field of company activity economic parameters forecasting and decision making processes is needed as well as supporting economical and mathematical models elaboration.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
Authors: Hrustalev E. Y., CHumichkin A. A.

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The article deals with a problem of output information representation in the military purpose automated systems. A technology of the automated output data representing forms creation for the automated decision support system is suggested. The technology is applicable for products improvement strategies evaluation and decision making tasks.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
The author: Emelyanov A.

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To the 82th anniversary ofK. Kurbakov
 Development of computer specialities in our country would be to impossible without scientists-enthusiasts involvement. Professor K. Kurbakovisthe head of large scientific school in the field of education, and first of all in the field of computer science. Has wide experience of organizing, scientific and pedagogical high school operation. He is one of the first developers of educational programs in the field of intelligence systems.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
Authors: Pronkin P. G., Botnar` Y. V., Sorokina O. N.

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The evolution of computer science and novel IT achievements offered the challenge to a lot of sciences and particularly to chemistry. The solution of the majority specific problems is available to the wide variety of users due to low price and WIMP interface. This article is a short review of the present IT products which are used in contemporary chemical practice.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: Software engineering
The author: Andreev N. O.

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Methods forming the basis of contemporary antivirus software packages as well as its' advantages and disadvantages are examined. The comparative analysis of «open source» and «closed source» operational systems regarding security tools efficiency has been carried out. The directions of antivirus software development are highlighted and considered.
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