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The author: Chitalov D. I.     Published in № 2(110) 26 april 2024 year
Rubric: Software engineering

Development of a module for managing the modeling of a system of two compressible liquid phases with one dispersed phase based on the OpenFOAM platform

The purpose of the presented research is to refine the initial release of the graphical shell for the OpenFOAM package by designing and connecting an additional module focused on numerical experiments using the twoPhaseEulerFoam solver in the field of modeling problems in continuum mechanics. This module, unlike existing analogue applications, has the status of an open source software product, does not require the purchase of maintenance services, and has a Russian-language interface. In the presented software, to simplify further support and modification, the source code of the external part of the application is separated from the code that provides the operating logic. The key original approaches proposed by the author also include a subsystem for serializing design parameters, which allows you to convert the parameters of a design case into json and csv objects and perform the reverse process. This allows the user to switch between different parameter sets for one design case. In addition, it is worth emphasizing the presence in the created software module of a mechanism for checking the completeness of the design case before starting the numerical experiment. Some features of the solver and the principles of its use in preparing calculation cases are considered. The purpose of the study was determined and a list of required tasks was compiled. The selected technology stack is described, as well as development aids. A process diagram is provided to demonstrate how the application works, along with a description of each step. The results of the study were tested using the example of one of the fundamental problems of continuum mechanics and are presented in the form of an updated version of the graphical shell, publicly available on the GitHub resource. Based on the results of the study, the effectiveness of the selected technology stack for achieving development goals was confirmed, and the completed tasks were noted. The practical significance of the results is formulated, expressed in the potential saving of working time for engineers and researchers, minimizing modeling errors and simplifying the process of preparing a design case.

Key words

numerical simulation, continuum mechanics, graphical user interface, OpenFOAM, Python 3.7, open source software, twoPhaseEulerFoam solver, PyQt5, SQLite

The author:

Chitalov D. I.


Junior Researcher, Department of Fundamental Problems of Aerospace Technologies, South Urals Federal Research Centre of Mineralogy and Geoecology of the UB RAS


Chelyabinsk region, Miass, Ilmen reserve, Russia