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Kliachin Mark S.

Senior Lecturer, Basic Department of Digital Economy at the Institute of Information Society Development, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Moscow, Russia

Formation a mathematical economic model for increase the economic efficiency of mass events by rolling planning

Due to the enormous changes that have occurred in the world over the last few years, for many companies the issue of economic efficiency of their activities has become vitally important. The events industry was not an exception. The economic side of mass events has not yet described adequate in the scientific literature, which makes it difficult to create high-quality IT tools. Such a toolkit should be based on a mathematical model, which will be built considering the economic features of the activities, which in turn requires the study of these features. Thus, the purpose of the study is to formulate a target problem of integer programming based on factors influencing economic indicators during in the process of mass event. The work is based on an analysis of the results of “field” observations, internal documentation of organizing companies, materials of large public events that are in the public domain, as well as scientific and popular literature on the organization and conduct of mass events. In the article, based on the characteristics of mass events, factors influencing economic indicators during the event are determined, and on their basis, the target problem of integer programming is formed. The three-level model proposed by the author for optimizing the distribution of resources in the process of holding a mass event, based on the criteria of fulfilling the plan for a mass event, reducing the costs of attracting resources and their redistribution, can be further considered as the basis for creating IT tools for automating the processes of mass events, which will provide the greatest flexibility and rational use of available resources in various situations. Read more...