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Borisov Vadim V.

Professor, department of Computer Engineering, the Branch of National Research University MPEI in Smolensk
Smolensk, Russia

Rubrication of text documents based on fuzzy difference relations

One of the key areas of informatization of public authorities is to develop and implement the systems of automated processing the electronic appeals (applications, complaints, suggestions) of individuals and legal entities that arrive on official websites and portals of government. The rubrication plays an important role in solving this problem. It consists in the appeals’ distribution according to thematic rubrics determining the directions of the activity of departments carrying out processing and preparation of the corresponding response. The results of the analysis of the specific features of such text messages (small size, markup lack, the errors’ presence, thesaurus unsteadiness, etc.) confirmed the impossibility of using traditional approaches to rubrication and justified the feasibility of using data mining methods. The article proposes a new approach to the analysis and rubrication of electronic unstructured text documents arrived on official websites and portals of public authorities. It involves the formation of a tree-like structure of the rubric field, based on fuzzy relationships of differences between the syntactic characteristics of documents. The analysis is based on determining the fuzzy correspondence of these documents by their syntactic characteristics with the values of the clusters’ centers. It is carried out sequentially from the root to the leaves of the constructed fuzzy decision tree. The proposed rubrication method is programmatically implemented and tested in the automated processing and analysis of appeals (applications, complaints and suggestions) of citizens entering the Administration of Smolensk Region. This made it possible to ensure prompt and high-quality updating of rubrics and document analysis under conditions of non-stationary composition of the thesaurus and the importance of rubric words. Read more...

Fuzzy cognitive modeling of heterogeneous electromechanical systems

The article presents a method of fuzzy cognitive modeling for heterogeneous electromechanical systems (HEMSs) in the management of innovative design solutions. During the operation of the HEMSs, as a result of their operational aging, the properties of the windings parametric matrices and the HEMSs vector space properties change. Periodic testing of the HEMSs vector space allows obtaining reliable information about the current technical condition of the HEMSs, about its changes during operation and about the risks of operating capability loss. At the same time (I) the presence of proportional changes in signals during sequential testing indicates the homogeneous operational aging of the HEMSs and its rate; (II) a disproportionate change in one of the signals indicates the damage or the development of a heterogeneous aging process; (III) a change in signals with a change in the angular position of the rotor indicates worn bearings or damage of the HEMSs rotor. The article presents the HEMSs model, describes the method for the topological research of the vector space and the method for forming the diagnostic matrices. The deviations of their elements are fuzzy due to the uncertainty of the load, influencing environmental factors and unstable supply voltages. Therefore, for predictive estimation of the HEMSs state, it is proposed to use fuzzy relational cognitive models that allow implementing a completely fuzzy approach to modeling problem situations in these systems. The presented data confirm the growth of the HEMSs heterogeneity under conditions of uncertainty of external influences. The proposed method for predictive estimation of the HEMSs state, based on fuzzy relational cognitive models, provides resistance to an increase in the uncertainty of the estimation results for various models of system dynamics due to a reasonable set of fuzzy vector-matrix operations. Read more...

Modeling of educational processes based on neuro-fuzzy temporal Petri nets

The article is devoted to the implementation of a method for modeling processes in complex educational systems based on the proposed variety of neuro-fuzzy temporal Petri nets. The article considers educational systems of the level of higher educational institutions, which, of course, belong to the class of complex systems. The need for a method, models and modeling tools is dictated by the fact that modern educational processes require constant modernization, due to the constantly growing volumes of information, changes in legislation, stricter requirements for specialists, rapid development of technologies, constant discoveries in various fields, as well as the influence of external factors. Requirements for the tools for modeling processes in complex systems are formulated, the use of Petri nets as the basis of such models is substantiated. The existing educational processes are considered on the example of the cycle of training in the master's program of the Belarusian-Russian University. The model of educational and information-analytical learning processes in the master's program based on the neuro-fuzzy temporal Petri net is presented. The proposed method allows to increase the flexibility of the choice of individual trajectories of training in the master's program, the effectiveness of elective disciplines and to make the transition to an integrated approach in the preparation of undergraduates. The proposed method can also be used as a basis for monitoring the state and control of information and analytical processes in educational systems. An approach to the construction of software-instrumental environment for the design and modification of information-analytical processes is described, aimed, among other things, at bridging the semantic gap between experts, architects and developers of information-analytical processes. A subsystem for the formation of a neuro-fuzzy temporal model of processes within the framework of a software-instrumental environment is considered. Read more...

Fuzzy relational cognitive temporal models for analyzing and state prediction of complex technical systems

The effectiveness of fuzzy cognitive modeling methods for analyzing and predicting the state of complex technical systems (STS) is justified by the following reasons: significant interdependence, non-linear nature and incompleteness of information about the mutual influence of the analyzed parameters of the CTS; a variety of effects of internal and external factors on the CTS; complexity and cost of conducting experimental studies during the operation of these systems. The main limitations of fuzzy cognitive models for modeling STS dynamics are: the complexity of taking into account the mutual influence of parameters with their different time lags relative to each other; the need for their constant operational adjustment and training of component models for all parameters during the operation of the CTS. In this paper, Fuzzy Relational Cognitive Temporal Models (FRCTM) are developed. These models combine the advantages of various types of fuzzy cognitive models, and at the same time neutralize the main limitations of the analysis and prediction of the state of the CTS, which are inherent in the well- known fuzzy cognitive models. The paper also proposes models of system dynamics that take into account the specifics of the FRCTM. We have also developed an approach and implemented a method for calculating fuzzy dependencies in vector-matrix form for dynamic modeling of the CTS. The proposed method makes it possible to solve the problems of increasing the uncertainty of the results and the output of fuzzy values of the FRCTM concepts beyond the ranges of the base sets due to the execution of mass iterative computations. An example of modeling heterogeneous electromechanical systems based on FRCTM is given. The results obtained are the basis for solving a whole range of tasks of analysis, predictive evaluation, modeling of different scenarios of the functioning and development of heterogeneous electromechanical systems for various system factors, operating modes and external conditions. Read more...

Modeling and design of information-analytical production processes based on neuro-fuzzy temporal Petri nets

The article is devoted to the issues of modeling and designing information-analytical processes corresponding to the production and technological processes at the enterprise. In the modern conditions of the functioning of the market, the enterprise faces important tasks of embedding in global supply chains, responding to an increase in the need for personalized products and, most importantly, reducing costs and improving product quality. In addition to solving these problems, the enterprise has to deal with such problems as: overproduction, waiting and wasted time, defects and marriage. Despite the fact that economic efficiency is put at the forefront, in order to ensure the sustainable development of an enterprise, it is necessary the criteria of environmental friendliness, accident-free operation and social efficiency. Enterprises, whose competitive advantages are flexibility and response speed to market needs, require tools for the operational management of production and technological processes. For effective functioning within a complex system, planning and implementation of production and technological processes must be supported by appropriate information-analytical processes that provide the collection and analysis of information, as well as modeling and making control decisions for the production and technological process. Production management is carried out in the form of strategic, tactical and operational planning, which puts forward additional requirements for modeling tools and management decision support. A variety of neuro-fuzzy Petri nets with temporal fuzzy neurons is proposed. An example of building a model of the production process and the corresponding information-analytical processes is considered. The developed specialized software for modeling production and technological processes and the implementation of information- analytical processes, including modules for forming an ontological model of a complex system and processes, obtaining data, a neural network supervisor, building a model of a production- technological process and corresponding information-analytical processes using the mechanism constructors based on neuro-fuzzy temporal Petri nets is considered. Read more...

Rubrication of text documents based on fuzzy difference relations

One of the key areas of informatization of public authorities is to develop and implement the systems of automated processing the electronic appeals (applications, complaints, suggestions) of individuals and legal entities that arrive on official websites and portals of government. The rubrication plays an important role in solving this problem. It consists in the appeals’ distribution according to thematic rubrics determining the directions of the activity of departments carrying out processing and preparation of the corresponding response. The results of the analysis of the specific features of such text messages (small size, markup lack, the errors’ presence, thesaurus unsteadiness, etc.) confirmed the impossibility of using traditional approaches to rubrication and justified the feasibility of using data mining methods. The article proposes a new approach to the analysis and rubrication of electronic unstructured text documents arrived on official websites and portals of public authorities. It involves the formation of a tree-like structure of the rubric field, based on fuzzy relationships of differences between the syntactic characteristics of documents. The analysis is based on determining the fuzzy correspondence of these documents by their syntactic characteristics with the values of the clusters’ centers. It is carried out sequentially from the root to the leaves of the constructed fuzzy decision tree. The proposed rubrication method is programmatically implemented and tested in the automated processing and analysis of appeals (applications, complaints and suggestions) of citizens entering the Administration of Smolensk Region. This made it possible to ensure prompt and high-quality updating of rubrics and document analysis under conditions of non-stationary composition of the thesaurus and the importance of rubric words. Read more...

Solving the inverse kinematics problem for sequential robot manipulators based on fuzzy numerical methods

Nowadays the introduction of robotic systems is one of the most common forms of the technological operations automation in various spheres of human activity. Among the robotic systems a special place is occupied by sequential multi-link robotic manipulators (SRM). SRM have become widespread due to relatively small dimensions and high maneuverability, which makes their use indispensable to solve various tasks. In practice, the effectiveness of the functioning of the SRM can be influenced by various types of external environment fuzzy factors. Among the external factors there is a group affecting the ability to determine the exact target position. Such factors often affect technical vision systems. This problem is especially relevant for special purpose mobile robots operating in aggressive environmental conditions. A situation similar to the described one also occurs when a medical robot manipulator is used for minimally invasive surgery, when the role of the control and monitoring system is assumed by an operator. In this regard, the organization of effective control taking into account influence of the external fuzzy factors, that prevent the correct recognition of the target position of the SRM instrument, is an urgent problem. The authors consider the solution of the inverse kinematics problem for SRM based on the use of fuzzy numerical methods, taking into account the possible occurrence of singular configurations in the process of solving. Read more...

Intelligent support for managing the processing of ore raw materials based on case management and ontological models

The article discusses the possibility of applying a precedent approach to improve the efficiency of control of thermophysical and chemical-energy-technological processes of processing ore raw materials. As an example, one of the variants of such processes is considered – heat treatment of pelletized phosphate raw materials. To form the knowledge base of an intelligent system, it is proposed to jointly use a compositional ontological model, which includes two ontologies, each of which is focused on describing one of the subject areas under consideration: thermophysical and chemical-energy-technological processes of heat treatment of pelletized phosphate ore processing plants. The use of this model makes it possible to take into account both the specific properties and characteristics of the processes under consideration, as well as unique tasks and management indicators, avoiding the need to form a generalized holistic ontology that would reflect these subject areas in a simplified form. The use of a compositional ontological model also makes it possible to store information not only in quantitative but also in qualitative form. To form solutions to provide support for the processes of managing the processing of ore raw materials, it is proposed to use a new modified case-based approach, which consists in the possibility of working with the proposed compositional ontological model in determining the closest solution to the current situation, as well as the formation of quantitative values of these decisions based on the information presented in linguistic form. It is possible to take into account the degree of significance of each of the ontologies when developing solutions for each individual current situation that arises when managing the processing of ore raw materials. Read more...

The use of coevolutionary algorithms for optimizing the operating regimes of the roasting conveyor machine

In modern conditions of constant growth in prices for fuel and energy resources, the problem of increasing the energy and resource efficiency of technological processes of industrial enterprises has acquired particular relevance. It is especially acute for energy-intensive industries, which include high-temperature processing of mining and chemical raw materials. To reduce the energy intensity of complex chemical-technological processes, it is proposed to use the possibilities of computer simulation, for example, to optimize the operating regimes of existing equipment. The article has considered the scientific and practical problem of optimizing the charge heating regimes in various zones of the roasting conveyor machine used to produce phosphorite pellets from apatite-nepheline ore waste stored in dumps of mining and processing plants. The specifics of the optimization task (nonlinearity of the objective function, large dimension of the search space, high computational complexity) are significant limitations for the use of traditional deterministic search methods. It led to the choice of population algorithms, which are based on modeling the collective behavior and are distinguished by the possibility of simultaneous processing of several options. The cuckoo search algorithm, which is distinguished by a small number of “free” parameters that affect the convergence, was used to solve the stated optimization task. To select the optimal values of these parameters, it was proposed to use the idea of coevolution, which consists in the parallel launch of several versions of the selected algorithm with different “settings” for each subpopulation. The management of the chemical-technological system for the processing of apatite-nepheline ore waste, taking into account the basis of the results obtained, will minimize the amount of return and ensure an energy-saving operating regime of the roasting conveyor machine. Read more...

Mathematical modeling of electromechanical model of exoskeleton with three active controlled links

Mathematical modeling of an active exoskeleton in the form of an electromechanical model containing three movable, controlled links interconnected by hinges has been carried out. For the considered mathematical model of the active exoskeleton, differential equations of motion are proposed. Numerical methods are used to solve the inverse and direct problems of dynamics in the created software package in the environment of the universal system of computer mathematics. A comprehensive study has been carried out, considering the problems of exoskeleton control, in the form of solving inverse and direct problems of dynamics, in relation to the created mathematical model of three moving parts of the exoskeleton, taking into account electric drives, using modern methods of mathematical modeling. Analytically determined are the angles between the links that define the anthropoid movement. Solving the inverse problem of dynamics, the moments controlling the movement of the links are calculated for each electric drive. The found moments are approximated by stepwise piecewise-constant functions simulating the impulse control of the exoskeleton motion. Dependences of the angular coordinates describing the positions of the links of the active exoskeleton over time are found. A comparative analysis of the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for the mathematical model of the exoskeleton in the form of differential equations with the initial, given movement of the links is carried out. A good agreement between the results of simulation with impulse control and the original motion is established. The total energy costs have been calculated. Modeling is carried out taking into account the presence of electric drives: dynamic equations for this model are compiled. The Cauchy problem for the system is numerically solved taking into account the presence of electric drives. As a result of applying qualitative, analytical and numerical methods for studying the created mathematical model of three moving parts of the exoskeleton, taking into account the presence of electric drives, the significance of the influence of electric drives on the dynamics of the mechanism was established. The implementation of the electromechanical model of the three links of the exoskeleton was carried out in the environment of the universal system of computer mathematics “Wolfram Mathematica 11.3”. Read more...

Scenario-information analysis and modeling of adaptive training of specialists groups based on a fuzzy ontological approach

The article shows the problem of reducing the efficiency and quality of the formation of control actions by the head of the class when preparing groups of specialists to perform complex tasks agreed on time, place and goals in organizational and technical systems of various purposes due to the influence on the psychophysiological capabilities of the head of the class of increasing the density of the flow of incoming information at the stages of working out the interaction between groups of specialists in a single virtual space. The use of intelligent methods to solve this problem is substantiated and a method of scenario-information analysis of adaptive training of groups of specialists is proposed, the essence of which is to build a scenario-information model of adaptive training based on a fuzzy ontological approach, taking into account the availability of resources, the current state of specialists (current level of preparedness) and precedent scenarios of adaptive training for subsequent modeling of this process and estimates of its achievability under various preparation scenarios. A fuzzy ontological approach to modeling adaptive training of groups of specialists using granulation of information resources is proposed, which makes it possible to organize the training process more efficiently, including in conditions of limited time and material resources. The results of experimental studies on improving the level of preparedness of group specialists through intelligent management of their adaptive training are shown. Read more...

Intelligent management of the training of groups of specialists in organizational and technical systems based on cluster analysis and predictive modeling

The article presents an approach to intelligent management of the training of groups of specialists in organizational and technical systems based on predictive modeling of the achievability of goals and cluster analysis, which allows solving the problem of qualitative planning of the process of training groups of specialists in time-limited conditions by adaptive formation of its structure and choosing a rational amount of educational information corresponding to the capabilities of trained specialists in its processing and assimilation. For this purpose, based on cluster analysis, it is proposed to form homogeneous classes of specialists taking into account their individual cognitive characteristics in order to subsequently build reference scenarios for each class of specialists of the necessary complexity by changing the volume of training content. The reference scenario is the basis for building a scenario-information model of the process of training groups of specialists in organizational and technical systems, which is a static model of this process and contains the whole set of possible scenarios. Based on the proposed scientific and methodological apparatus, the scenario-information model is transformed into a modified soft temporal Petri net for modeling the process of training groups of specialists. The simulation results underlie management decisions in the intelligent management of the process of training groups of specialists in organizational and technical systems. Read more...