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Shalina E.

Omsk State Transport University

Biometric authentication of information systems users using keyboard handwriting based on immune network algorithms

The article deals with the problem of protecting information from the threat of unauthorized access (theft, destruction, modification). A method of biometric authentication by keystroke dynamics using an artificial immune system is proposed. Keystroke dynamics is a characteristic dependent on the time and state of the operator. A feature of the approach is the use of a new architecture of computing elements (detectors) at the core of the immune system. The detector is a separate measure of proximity, which determines the distance to the template in the space of only a part of the possible features. All detectors differ in “interaction interfaces” with a recognizable sample (a set of processed features) and the principle of sample processing (each detector can be based on a separate measure of proximity). In the aggregate, the detectors verify the biometric samples for belonging to the classes “Own” or “Alien”. The developed artificial immune system (network) is capable of self – learning, each authentication increases the reliability of its solutions. Also, an artificial immune network can determine the degree of aging of the template and the fact that the user is authenticated in an altered functional state. This information can be used in the implementation of access control procedures. The experimentally achieved reliability indicators for solutions EER = 1.5–4% (depending on the state of the subject). The comparison of the obtained result with the world level in this area has been carried out.