Dr of Tecnique, Professor, MIIGAiK |
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Moscow |
The common, theoretical and «metaphorical» informaticsThe methodical bases of the information sciences are considered, included terminological base and
the problem of the information concept definition. The classification questions of the informatics and
metaphorical understanding information analysis in the evolution biophysics («bioinformatics») are
considered also. Discipline, which have claim on special information science role, in really to appear
«sciences» about digital information technologies in different directions of sciences, technics and economy.
They gain all-sciences knowledge role and integrated common-education discipline role through
assimilation of part of the origin science to digital information technologies. Together with logic-semiotic
and mathematical methods in social-economics information directions used own info-logic
model method. The communication mathematical theory of C. Shannon to find own application for
the most part in technical sphere. In real time theoretical base do not exist, which common to all information
sciences (used functional definitions or attributive definitions), excepting well known theory
three universes of C. Popper and environment conception by K. K. Kolin, which develop theory
three universes of C. Popper. The common theoretical bases of any information sciences is consider.
That analysis has important to classification of informatics, which based on the origin importance and
based on the metaphorical importance.