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№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Defense software
The author: Ustselemov V.

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One of the approaches of adaptive tuning subsystem information security of information systems based on an assessment of risk level to overcome the informational security subsystem offender system, using reasoning mechanisms precedents and neuro-fuzzy inference. Analysis of the functioning of the information security subsystems shown that the destructive effects on information systems lead to a change in its current state, and the risks successfully overcome the security subsystem may increase substantially. At the same time, risk assessment means analysis showed that the application of the existing approaches to their assessment does not take account of what their change in the operation of an information system, and does not solve the problem of information security subsystem reconfiguration to reduce the risks to overcome values. In the event of an information system on the state of a safe state for the assessment of risks to overcome information security subsystem uses a hybrid subsystem risk assessment, which includes in its composition two modules: information risk assessment module based on arguments by precedents and information risk assessment module based on neural network ensemble. The input data are the values of the parameters of the information system, describing its current state, and the output generates a control effect on the reconfiguration of resources and information security subsystem mechanisms.
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Nafikov M.

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Nowadays the 3d printing lets us produce cheap retina scanners. Researchers have printed an ophthalmoscope adapter for a smartphone to observe a retina using the smartphone camera. Thus, the main disadvantage of the retina scanners disappears; moreover, the invention lets us use retina based biometric authentication and automatic disease detection systems using only the smartphone. Both the biometric authentication systems and the automatic disease detection systems require features characterizing the identity or the disease. Such features are blood vessels and this article is devoted to detection of them. Two algorithms of the blood vessels segmentation based on median filter and Gabor filters are developed and represented. Steps of preliminary image processing also are described. The first step is contrast enhancement based on using green channel and contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization, and the second step is background exclusion based on high frequency filter. The first segmentation algorithm uses automatic thresholding Otsu, median filter and filter by length. The second algorithm uses Gabor filters and analyzing histogram of the image applies automatic thresholding. To estimate the performance of the proposed algorithms, tests have been conducted on the two databases: DRIVE and STARE. The results show that the segmentation algorithm based on median filter can be applied both in the biometric authentication systems and in the automatic disease detection systems. The second segmentation algorithm requires lots of computing power, and therefore can’t be applied in the biometric authentication systems. The 3d printing technology lets us use the retina scanners by almost any smartphones and further researchers in development of the retina based automatic disease detection systems provide detecting of the blood vessels disease in the early stages and monitoring progression of the disease only by our smartphones. It will undoubtedly improve the level of healthcare. Project materials are available at https://github.com/forcesh/authentication_based_on_retinal_images
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Bukharov D.

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The article shows an approach to design a set, used for text equivalent search. Similar tasks are analogous to duplicate searching, evaluation of authority and plagiarism, library search organizing and Internet search systems. To solve this task there are different approaches, focused to meaningfulness, philological features of a natural language and stylistics. This approach takes into account a set of features: word frequency, punctuation, morphemic word structure, letter case and artifacts of texts (letter-digital compositions). Every text, which used for comparison, previous processed according to the set of features. As a result is formed mask of a text, used as a basis of data for a comparison algorithm. The software for text equivalent search and the comparison algorithm are implemented on the Java programming language. Computational experiments included different variants of the algorithm of search set designing are attended. The software is tested on a set of texts, which includes both original texts and modifications of them. As a result of computational experiments, areas of growth are defined and a pattern of software modules communication is showed.
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Halin V., Chernova G., Yurkov A.

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The aim of the research is to analyze the methodological aspects of the decision support systems (DSS) processing and the DSS substantial classification. The novelty of the results lies in the fact that classification features and their possible values, being the subject and the goal of such a system, are suitable to the designed managerial decisions, as well as the classification can be used to create a specific DSS. Hypothesis: it is possible to allocate classification features of DSS, the list and the contents of which will determine the substantial (enlarged) DSS classification suitable to the construction of concrete DSS. Also, the selected classification features and their values can be used to construct DSS content, i. e. to design a block structure of created DSS. Method of research: systematic and logical analysis on the base of the subordination of the created DSS to aims and content of the generated managerial solutions. Results: based on the reasonable classification features and their values the substantial classification of decision support systems is built, as well as the block structure of the DSS, considered in the wide, and in the narrow sense as well. The research is supported by the grant RFBR The results published in the paper were presented at the International Scientific Conference «New Challenges of Economic and Business Development — 2016. Society, Innovations and Collaborative Economy», Riga, http://www.evf.lu.lv/conf2016. Continue...
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
The author: Vichugova A.

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The complexity of information processing caused the increasing the level of software abstraction and forces the changes of the process of creating this type of products. Functional stages of the software development process in practice are implemented in a variety of models and methodologies. Needs to reduce the time of software development led to new approaches, methods and tools of the organization, implementation of this process. The paper outlines the modern trends in the reduction of routine operations in designing, coding, testing, deployment and documentation software, and analyzed the implementation of these tendencies in the form of a series of tools to automate one or several aspects of software development. The following aspects are discussed in the research: unification of techniques and technologies, containerization, migration to the cloud, continuing integration of processes and data, promotion of declarative programming approaches and languages, focused on math and statistical processing of BigData, multiparadigmality of languages and raising the level of their abstraction. There are examples of transformation of classical concepts of software development to the present state through all steps of the process: from requirements analysis to implementation and maintenanceaccording to the current needs and capabilities of the IT market. The possible ways of changing the users and professionals competencies in the field of information technology (IT) are described.
№ 3(63) 30 june 2016 year
Rubric: Models and methods
Authors: Oleynik P., Greger S.

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The article deals with analysing of the process of building information system architecture. It was revealed that the description or the general architecture of the information system is a composition of descriptions of models built in different notations, using differing semantics. Means and methods for constructing these models can be separated into independent subsystems in the system providing target information system design, and the general architecture of the target system depends on the characteristics of providing the system. Revealed the composition of subsystems forming system provides design-time Web information system. Ontology developed to formalize the description of information system architecture that provides the opportunity to determine the configuration of the project development, system model, and the relationship of ontologies used to represent the sub-systems. We propose a method of matching the descriptions of models allows you to shape the description of the overall architecture of the target system and describes the unified metamodel of object system which can be used for domain-driven design of database system.