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№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Business information systems
Authors: Oleynik P., Kurakov Y.

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The article discusses the creation of an information system that automates the activities of the group of coal companies organized in economic production and energy cluster in order to increase profitability and reduce the cost of the final product. The article considers the metamodel of object system, the basic elements to represent the classes, associations, attributes. Represented by a class hierarchy to represent validation rules of object domain. Describes the most popular object-relation mapping patterns. Presents Single Table Inheritance, Class Table Inheritance and Concrete Table Inheritance patterns. Metamodel described repeatedly tested on a variety of application domains. At its base are implemented information systems for agrosystems, fast food restaurants, beauty salons and in the scientific field. An exemplary organization plan economic cluster coal industry, considered in detail the need for factories and workshops. Presented a unified methodology for designing information systems and describes in detail all its main stages. The article describes the range of products obtained during deep processing of carbonaceous materials and prices on them. The article shows the basic architecture of a corporate information system developed to ensure effective functioning of the units in a single cluster. All submitted material is illustrated with class diagrams unified modeling language UML.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Kutikova K. V., Iliyna N.

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The article is devoted to problems of government and municipal services information system development. The main objective is to develop the architecture meeting number of requirements: the architecture should include techniques for resolving not only present, but also perspective problems of the sphere or department; the module for data communication with external systems should be a part of the architecture; the architecture should be independent of department’s government power level, business objects on each power level of one sphere should be the same; business process automation should be architectural key element inspite of calculations automation; the architecture needs data warehouse development given basic relation database principles and BI systems data transfer. Taking the quantity of departments and services into account, development of the architecture according the requirements above needs department team-work. The information system architecture based on experience of rate regulation informatization was offered by the authors. The information systems consists of four levels: Master Data Management level includes lists of basic objects of the sphere; Business Process Management level allows to get system configuration for different parts of business process integrating; Applied Applications for calculations automation and analysis; Portal and Business Intelligence Applications provides data transfer interface for communication with clients. Actions needed for such information system architecture development in other sphere were described by the authors as list of government system engineering methods.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Training technologies
Authors: Panyukova A., Dudareva V., Makarovskikh T.

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The authors of the paper consider their experience of free software using for studying the computer graphics (photo editing, pictures editing, animation, video). The created Linux distributive is oriented on teaching and studying graphics and allows to organize some lessons for schoolchildren at their summer vacation at a summer resort. A list of software packages used for installation is determined either for user computers or for the server station. Each program is chosen due to some features of a system constructed. On the base of list for installer CD and standard lists for Live-CD the Live-CD packages were lined up. The scripts finishing off the Live-CD to its optimal functioning are created. The good studying and teaching results are achieved. The Live-CD and installer-CD are created. They consist of all necessary software, methodical materials and the summer course program. The Live-CD is a present for all participants of summer lessons. The received experience allows recommending the created materials for facultative lessons. The usage of education technologies on the base of computer and multimedia facilities rises the level of understanding the future professional activities and contributes to the success of socialization.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
Authors: Aleksandrov A. A., Shilin I. A.

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In this article we describe the special computing program created at The Center for Research and Education in Mathematics of Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities. This program is created for university students learning an important part of abstract algebra course known as group theory. It is well known that teaching and learning group theory have a lot of difficulties related to very abstract level of group theory concepts. It means, in particular, that students need any methods to visualize these concepts. Nowadays universities have good software for group theoretical researches (for instance, GAP, Magma, Cayley, etc.), but all these computer algebra systems are very useful for namely for researches and almost useless for students because they want to see how to solve a problem step by step. The main goal of our program is to help students to take part in solving of the most typical problems arising in finite group theory. By using this program, the student can find all subgroups of a given group, separate all normal divisors, obtain the normalizer and centralizer for a subgroup, compute left and right cosets with respect to a given normal divisor, represent a given group as a group of permutations (to embed a group to appropriate symmetric group), represent a permutation as a product of independent cycles and a composition of transposition (of general and special forms), compute the order and power of a permutation. This program contains the library of more than 50 finite groups. It is easy to add new options to our program for example, (to compute the automorphism and homomorphism groups for a given group of pair of groups, where the second group is Abelian).
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Algorithmic efficiency
The author: Kulik S.

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This article deals with the search operations. A set of numerical evaluation criteria of the effectiveness of search operations is introduced. The purpose of studies is to suggest efficiency criteria of search operations and develop a measurement method. This article is about special the search system. The search system includes the block of object indexing, the block of recommendatory list processing, the block of searching, the block of searching array realized, the block of recognition, the block of archive of objects. Four properties were detected. The average number of similar objects in the list of recommendation is an important indicator. Estimates of the effectiveness of search operations were obtained. Two effectiveness indicators presented this estimate: probability of the correct response to the search inquiry, average length of the recommendatory list, which is given by the search block for the human operator making the final decision. In this paper, the particular attention is given to indicators: probability of the correct response to the search inquiry and average length of a recommendatory list. The algorithms were applied. Algorithm is characterized by two probabilities: probability of missing a target and false alarm probability. Study of these estimates was done and the experimental results were obtained. These results are used for some information systems for making decisions in criminalistics. It is offered to use a special factographic information retrieval. The results were successfully protected by various patents. Further, it is planned to get and explore in details one remaining evaluation of the effectiveness. Namely, the average number of comparison operations that are implemented by the search block.
№ 6(54) 26 december 2014 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
Authors: Keyno P., Siluyanov А.

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The article examines the theoretical background of a new methodology in the Web-development of server- and the client-sides. The authors have developed a methodology BlockSet, including a declarative programming language with interpreter application. The main idea of the article is the redistribution of the abstraction levels. Such redistribution allows reduce the period for mastering of the proposed methodology and amount of appropriate. It also allows to accelerate the design process. The article considers the advantages and disadvantages of declarative and imperative programming. Similarities with the BEM methodology used in «Yandex» are described. Authors reject database design concepts but make accent on the data abstraction is one of the basic principle as one of the basic principle of the methodology which proposes extended data types. The result is the decreasing of the abstraction level and increasing the data model flexibility. This approach makes no differences between data sources, whether it would be the database or file storage. It is considered as the unified concept. The basic principles of MVC (Model-View-Controller) are considered. The main practical component of the work is the development of BML interpreter. This language is based on BlockSet methodology. The direct relationship between the BML structure and the visual editor is shown. Thus, it is possible the modeling of the logic and design of Web-document without programming. Some examples of the proposed methodology are presented.