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№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Mathematical tools
The author: Deryagin A. A.

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The article presents the results of development and research of methods of formation of 3D objects, formation of their projections to a plane of observation, and also ensuring the dynamics of 3D-scenes — tasks of the laws of motion of the bodies and the formation of the animated images of the projections, based on the use of tetragonal regular network model.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Habarova D. S.

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The features and prospects of multi-objective evaluation of the parameters of system are considered using the multiobjective optimization methods and software packages. The websites with available software system for solving multiobjective problems are listed. Some single-objective optimization programs which are applicable to evaluate scalarized multi-objective task are considered.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Faraonov A. V.

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We consider a situational model for delivery route choice and operational decisions in the event of an emergency on the route, the adjustment of support program and choosing a new delivery route. We solve the problem of multi-criteria choice under uncertainty, based on the theory of fuzzy sets. Ranking of multiple routes alternatives is carried out and the best alternative is selected on the basis of fuzzy sets.
№ 2(44) 22 april 2013 year
Rubric: Software and hardware systems
The author: Kazakova I. A.

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On the 95 anniversary since the birth of B. Rameev The article is devoted to the 95 anniversary of the birth of B. I. Rameev — the founder of the first national family of the «Ural» computers. The course of Rameev’s life, historical aspects of creation of the first national computers families, B. I. Rameev’s contribution to computers’s manufacturing in our country is considered.
№ 3(45) 19 june 2013 year
Rubric: E-commerce
Authors: Bugorskij V. N., YAstrebov A. I.

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Current rapid economic activity growth is associated with access to international markets and the development of multi-national companies. The process of economic globalization facilitates the movement of traditional economic activities into the network environment. However, this phenomenon is not only understood, but also has a common interpretation among economic scholars, indicating a need for research considering the network economy.
№ 3(45) 19 june 2013 year
Rubric: Project management
Authors: Gol`chevskij Y. V., Maldrik A. V.

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The paper offers the method of selection the most appropriate software for resolving the organizational departments problems. It describes the five steps on the way to introduction of information system: business-process analysis, establishing software requirements, IT-market researching, development of software introduction project and analysis of its effectiveness. The methods are the functional (SADT) and object-oriented (UML) modeling, qualimetry method, balanced scorecard (BSC) and key performance indicator (KPI).