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№ 1(37) 21 february 2012 year
Rubric: Study of processes and systems
Authors: Klevleev V. M., Kuznecova A. I.

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CAD / CAE software for technological processes modeling is analyzed. The behavior of nanoscale materials in the complex channel dies was modeled with the help of software package Ansys taking into account the dynamic load factor. Computer simulation was used to predict the compaction process of new, little-known materials under the influence of applied loads.

№ 1(37) 21 february 2012 year
Rubric: Technology experiments
Authors: Bajneva I. I., Bajnev V.

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The current state of halogen incandescent lamps and their features are discussed. The mathematical model of heat transfer and programming model for analysis and modeling of processes in halogen incandescent lamps are described.

№ 1(37) 21 february 2012 year
Rubric: Technology experiments
The author: Orlyanskij A. Y.

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The article deals with the basic concepts of spectral analysis to obtain a graphic image of an audio signal and especially the restoration of the distorted audio. Figurative analysis elements are used to reconstruct the signal as well as the comparative method of processing the current standard and graphic images.

№ 1(37) 21 february 2012 year
Rubric: Mathematical methods
Authors: Shilin I. A., Aleksandrov A. A., Kityukov V. V.

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We consider all pairs of groups G and H under the condition that their orders are not greater than 12. For Abelian group H, we obtain (up to isomorphism) via computer modeling, first, the group of homomorphisms of G to H and, second, the subgroup in H which is a union of the images of all homomorphisms. For non-Abelian H, we consider the similar constrictions, but this case is more difficult.

№ 1(37) 21 february 2012 year
Rubric: Decision support systems
The author: Kulakova L. G.

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A method of of a domain model constructing when building a knowledge based system is presented. This model is based on theory of Birkgoflattices, and is formed in recent logic-algebraic approach known as formal concept analyses. The method was applied to the structuring and formation of logical rules for assessing water quality.

№ 1(37) 21 february 2012 year
Rubric: Corporate information systems
The author: Vinogradova E. Y.

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Methodological bases of construction of structural and functional model of the entity organization are considered. Described and scientifically justified requirements for all types of accounting (financial, accounting, nomenclature) entity. The basic principles of operation and re-engineering the structure of the entity during the transition to the use of new technologies are determined.
