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№ 2(26) 01 march 2010 year
Rubric: Simulation system
Authors: Andreev V., Semenov M. I.

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In this work the program package for optimal parametrical identification of nonlinear models is developed. The algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt in Fletcher's updating is applied. The developed program package is applied for researching of the mathematical model describing dynamics of socially-economic system of USA. Earlier such mathematical models have been used for the analysis of socially-economic system of Russia and have shown the suf¬ficient adequacy.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Business analysis
Authors: Lihtenshtejn V. E., Ross G.

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The task of agreement conclusion in its mathematical nature is a game and comes to evolutionary-simulation model. The authors' approach may be effectively put into practice using proper imita¬tion models worked out with the «Decision» pack¬age employment.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Insurance
Authors: Nosova O. V., Karpov V. I.

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The optimal agent and broker commission average size definition is considered at agriculture objects risks insurance. The problem can be solved by the software insurance company main activity estimation and management, developed by the author.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Currency transactions
Authors: Balonishnikov A. M., Balonishnikova V. A.

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Exchange rate of dollar to ruble and euro to ruble time series set by Central Bank of Russia were ana¬lyzed. Positive largest Lyapunov exponent proves the existence of determinate chaos and finite time horizon. There is a possibility to make short-term main currencies exchange rate forecast.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Bendikov M. A., Klochkov V. V.

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Taking the aircraft engineering as an example the authors consider methodical approach to the CALS-technologies economic efficiency assessment in knowledge-intensive areas of domestic economy. As shown by conducted aircraft industry analysis CALS-technologies optimize business processes through the aircraft life cycle thus reducing, during the increasing struggle in competitive markets, the duration of preproduction life cycle stages and costs at all stages.

№ 1(25) 05 january 2010 year
Rubric: Management of Internet resources
The author: Denisov D.

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SAAS solutions, provided by IT leaders cover following segments: communications, document processing, security, business management, analytics, record keeping, CRM, HRM, ERP, HelpDesk. Overview of Google APPS, IBM LotusLive Engage, Micro¬soft Office Live Workspace and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 allows to define opportunities, advantag¬es and disadvantages, as well as original solutions, used in appropriate cloud services. Practical aspects of SAAS using, implementing and supporting are considered at SoftLine company example.
