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№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Golubev V. O., Kacuba V.

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According to last neurophysical researches, cognizance of the education material may be con¬siderably improved, if its explanation is accompa¬nied by visual submission. Therefore development and use of various software for presentation of the educational information is an actual problem today. There are a number of practical questions concern¬ing development of such features. In this article the practical aspects of multimedia interactive presen¬tation for educational mathematical information are considered.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Troshina E. N., CHernov A. V.

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Decompiler is a tool for reconstructing programs from low-level representation to high-level one. The most known decompilers have correct decompila¬tion as their only goal. However, the correctness of a decompiled program is not enough for reaching higher level of program representation. We present a quality of decompilation as an additional require¬ment for decompilation. Decompiler TyDec recon¬structs low-level programs and traces correctly and with high quality.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Theory and practice
Authors: Bondarenko O. S., Malinovskaya E.

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The load for each session node is individual. It is important and efficiently from economic point of view to choose software for protection. For this purpose created imitational model which is imitating real at¬tacks and answers from administrator and is defin¬ing the vulnerability level of system based on analy¬sis protection measures used.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Object recognition
The author: Tarasova G. V.

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In this work, using of graphology for synthesis of persons' psychological portrait is considered and using of theory of fuzzy logic for handwriting pa¬rameters find is offered. It is possible turn from get¬ting a set of personal psychological characteristics to synthesis of personal psychological portrait us¬ing handwriting parameters as fuzzy variables. This method allows to find true data and to avoid the in¬consistency in results interpretation.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
The author: Elkin E. V.

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The federal law #83 from May 08th, 2010 pro¬motes coordination of sizes and qualities of the state services with sizes of budgetary appropriations on these purposes, and also to transition from financing of activity of budgetary establishments to financing of the rendered services. The developed technique allows to form an order and financial support of performance of the state job by federal official bodies.

№ 4(28) 01 july 2010 year
Rubric: Technology experiments
Authors: Mokrozub V. G., Ilyasov A. A., Mordvin A. S., Nemtinov V. A.

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Jointly considered methods of synthesizing and presenting the structure of technical systems (TS) in relational databases. As a way of presenting the structure of the TS selected N-oriented hypergraph, TS structure synthesis by using production rules. In the format presented SQL syntax rules and algo¬rithm processing. Scope — CAD / CAM systems: design of equip¬ment, design of flowsheets, placing equipment on the shopfloor.
