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№ 6(30) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: The hardware and software systems
Authors: Maksimenkoshejko K. V., SHejko T. I., Tolok A. V.

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The mathematical means of the R-functions theory appeared rather convenient for exposition of fractal geometry objects with the help of the functions (x) = 0, x∈E n, where (x) is the uniform analytical expression. Thus the following constructive tools have been used: R-functions of a {R0} system; a superposition of (x, y) function with the periodic functions, permitting to translate the given function along axes with a step hx and hy, and along a circle of radius R for n times; property of a similarity of the figures circumscribed by the equations (x, y) = 0 and 1 0 K Kx,Ky, where K is the similarity factor. In this work only some, most known objects of fractal geometry are constructed, as for example, a Sierpinski carpet and napkin, Kokh curve, snowflake, cross, etc.

№ 6(30) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: GIS-technologies
Authors: Belyanina N. V., Serovikov S. A.

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Now to environmental problems the steadfast attention is paid. There is a necessity of creation of geoinformation system of the ecological monitoring, allowing to carry out procedures of visualisation and calculation of values of concentration of polluting substances. The mathematical model, algorithmic maintenance of system and toolkit for an application programming is presented. The hardware concept of system functioning is chosen.

№ 6(30) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: GIS-technologies
The author: Tyukachev N. A.

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Article is devoted the decision of a problem of automatic construction of layers of breed of a vertical cut. The work is devoted to the algorithm of construction of the polygons describing layers of breed with identical stratigraphy (age) of a vertical flat section according to data, received as a result of well-drilling for geological prospecting of kimberlite pipe.

№ 6(30) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Derevenec E. O., CHernov A. V., Troshina E. N.

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Decompilation is a means used in reverse engineering for raising of analyzed system’s abstraction level. Obtaining understandable reconstructed program is an important goal in this case. The most comprehensive restoration of high-level control flow structures is relevant to achieving this goal. This article is devoted to certain methods for decompilation of C++ programs, notably methods for reconstruction of C++ try-catch constructs used for exception handling and throw statement used for raising exceptional situations.

№ 6(30) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Lahno A. P., CHepovskij A. M., CHernobaj V. B.

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Semantic network is an information model of knowledge domain. Objects and their relations are specified with a graph. An object of visualization is a subnetwork induced by a set of relations incident to the selected objects. A method for construction of a compact subnetwork layout is presented. It is guaranteed to avoid link crossings and label overlaps for objects and relations.

№ 6(30) 01 november 2010 year
Rubric: Mobile technologies
Authors: Kalishenko E. L., Krinkin K. V.

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The paper aims to review traffic podcasting approaches for wireless mesh networks. The main characteristics for wireless self-managed networks showed and comparison with wired networks is presented Different approaches like wavelet analysis, time series analysis, flow clustering, graph- and process-mining are considered. Advantages and disadvantages are discussed.
