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№ 6(78) 28 december 2018 year
Rubric: IT-communications
The author: Denisov D.

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The rapid development of the Internet, the emergence of new services related to the placement and processing of data on the Internet necessitates the implementation of educational programs aimed at training data protection and personal security on the Internet. Therefore, this article provides an analysis of methods for assessing the level of safe behavior on the Internet, including Microsoft Computing Safety Index, Networked Readiness Index and a number of others. The author substantiates the choice and carries out the practical implementation of the original methodology developed by the Internet development Fund and the Faculty of psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, which allows to evaluate the four components of digital competence: knowledge, skills, motivation and responsibility in relation to the four spheres of activity on the Internet: content processing, communication, consumption, technosphere. According to the results of the study, an educational program is developed that takes into account the identified features of digital competence of students, namely the need to improve competence in the components of «Communication» and «Consumption», the need to increase motivation for learning and responsibility for their actions. The implementation of the educational program is based on the method of intensive training, focused on the formulation of students rules of safe behavior on the Internet in relation to all areas under consideration, followed by the consolidation of the knowledge gained in the development of relevant cases and practical tasks.
№ 6(78) 28 december 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Kolesnikova S.

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The article presents a theoretical result in the form of a new synthesis algorithm of a control system for a two-dimensional object whose mathematical model is a system of second-order nonlinear difference equations. Two types of control systems for such an object are presented for the cases of its functioning both in deterministic conditions and in stochastic conditions. The theoretical basis of the algorithm for controlling the synthesis of a two-dimensional discrete stochastic object is the analytical design method for aggregated regulators. The application of this method for synthesis control of the abovementioned object was implemented as a two-stage procedure. At the first stage, the structure of the control system is formed on the basis of predefined target macro variables, the form of which determines the description of target manifolds. The second stage poses the task of robust control of the object’s output to a given manifold with a minimum variance for the output macro variable. The paper provides the results of numerical modeling with quality assessment of transient processes, confirming the consistency of the received control system of the economic object and positive properties in comparison to classical control. The algorithm for control system design and the implemented corresponding control algorithm to the problem solution for stabilizing of the stochastic object can be useful for any nonlinear systems.
№ 6(78) 28 december 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Rogulin R., Evdakimova N., Goncharov E., Maximenko V., Nechaev P., Pleshanov D.

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This article contains a model of generalization of three previously known linear programming problems: The production problem (Classical setting) — the solution is a vector of the number of produced final products, found with limitations on the number of resources taking into account of maximization of profit. The task of accounting for time — this task is rather an additional condition in the general system of restrictions and relates to the objective function (minimization of the total time spent on the transportation of goods), the transport task — determination of the ways and volume of transportation of products on the graph (road system). The statement of the problem, which integrates all three of the above problems into one integrated one, is exactly suited to the case when the task of determining the volume of production of various types of products is followed by the determination of the transport routes to each point of consumption (the consumer) so as to minimize, taking into account of capacity of the graph roads) transportation costs. This task appeared on the timber-processing complex in the process of production and sale of goods. This paper is devoted to constructing a linear mixed-integer model, finding a method and selecting an algorithm for determining the optimal solution to the production and transportation problem. This problem can be attributed to the class of non-trivial combinatorial problems when making decisions at an enterprise.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Market analysis
Authors: Demin I., Fedorova E., Rogov O.

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We employ a contemporary set of sentiment analytics methods for the dataset of Russia-related news texts and compare a variety of sentiment dictionaries as applied to the news texts. In this paper we evaluate the applicability of the AFINN, NRC, Loughran and McDonald dictionaries to determine the impact of the sentiment polarity on the stock and foreign exchange markets. The dictionaries are selected due to their applications in the area of textual analysis and the number of sentiments polarities classes they cover. The empirical basis of the research is the 2,5 million Russia-related news texts, acquired via the Thomson Reuters authorized sources for the period from January 2012 to June 2018. Based on the textual analysis method known as the «bag-of-words» we evaluate the polarity of each of the news texts with the use of all selected dictionaries. The correlation of oscillating polarities and the major stock market indicators is determined. We show that the Russia-related news sentiments demonstrate substantial impact on the stock markets. In addition, the negative news polarities predominantly affect the markets being a major media factor for the market players. The NRC Emotion Lexicon dictionary fits best the sentiment analysis of the Russia-related news.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Market analysis
Authors: Kriukova A., Palmov S.

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The competitiveness of a company is influenced by many factors. A person, very often, cannot effectively take them into account and make a balanced solution. This fact negatively impacts on business. One way to correct the aforementioned situation is the usage of artificial intelligence, in particular, Data Mining. Russian companies, unfortunately, rarely use the technology. The purpose of the paper was to demonstrate the capabilities of Data Mining in terms of improving the company’s competitiveness. To the effect, a file with depersonalized client information of a real telecommunications company was used. In addition, the authors analyzed the prognostic abilities of Data Mining methods to identify the one that best suits for the specified subject area. In this paper, using the Orange analytical system, six methods were tested: «Decision Tree», kNN, «Random Forest», SVM, «Neural Network», and «Association Rules». Each of them was tested in two stages. At the first stage, with the fixed values of the «Evaluate» widget settings (see Table 3), the prognostic model of the selected Data Mining method was studied. At the second stage, the values of the «Evaluate» widget settings (see Tables 4 and 5) were changed, and the values of the predictive model settings were fixed (most effective values of the settings from the previous step was used). An F-measure was used to evaluate the model’s performance. As a result, it was found that the «Random Forest» and SVM are the most preferred methods.
№ 1(79) 20 february 2019 year
Rubric: Training technologies
Authors: Yumashova S., Lozhkarev A., Yamshchikova А.

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The use of computer simulation technology in the educational process is the key to improving the quality of education. It affects the relevance of modeling technical systems and processes using the tools of the game engine Unity 3D. Unity is a professional multiplatform game engine and an integrated powerful game editor created from the very beginning to facilitate the creation of animations. This engine is something like a constructor, as there is a great editing environment with a convenient user interface that allows you to create an animation visually. The visual model is a set of software tools that allow you to simulate the work of the object under study and the individual elements that make up it. As such a tool for creating visual models, it is proposed to use the graphical tool Unity, propose to use the graphical tool Unity, designed to create interactive and multimedia applications. The task is to simulate the road crossing and operation of the cameras. This article provides visual tools for developing and visualizing interactive 3D projects in Unity3d in real time, including C# scripts. Demonstration a specific example of a typical situation in Unity3d using C# programming with their analysis. The result of the work is the created scene, which displays the details of this section of the intersection of roads. With the help of this illustration, students develop model thinking and focus their attention on the phenomenon under study.