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№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
Authors: Deundyak V., Pozdnyakova E.

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The paper concentrating on random linear network coding in the presence of symbolic erasures besides packets errors and erasures. New models of network are constructed based on two new models of nodes with extended node alphabets. Alphabets of those nodes include special symbols to save linear transformation with corresponding coordinate of packet, which occurs during linear combinations on the following nodes on network. In the first model, extending alphabet contains only one special symbol “*”, in the second model, every node has personal alphabet that not intersected with others. Network coding methods based on Koetter-Kschischang-Silva network codes and channel errorcorrecting codes are represented. Coding methods are based on idea of cascading use of channel and network coders on network’s source. On sinks of network applies both as channel code decoder and network code decoder with some modifications in reverse order. First coding method uses first model of nodes and applied in case of number of symbols erasures does not exceed the error-correcting capability of channel code. In the opposite case are applied second model and corresponding coding method, which are representing probability decoder. An applicability opportunity of these methods to unauthorized using of linear networks by illegal user is noticed.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Myasnikov S., Namiot D.

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The paper examines the main aspects of testing the performance of software products. The article gives a classification of testing methods. The main focus is on so-called load testing. Load testing is conducted to determine the degree to which the system meets non-functional requirements, such as the maximum number of simultaneous users, the response time of the information service, and so on. To verify such requirements, as a rule, we need to emulate user activity, close to real. Load testing is conducted to determine how quickly the computing system or part of it under a certain load, as well as confirm other attributes of system quality, such as scalability, reliability and resource consumption. The paper describes in detail the different types of stress tests, as well as a testing methodology for each species. This list includesб for example, the detection of maximum performance, reliability and fault tolerance tests, localization of performance problems. The article suggests also a set of indicators for the classification of testing tools, on the basis of which a comparative analysis of existing tools for conducting load testing is given.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Software development technologies
Authors: Alekseev Е., Boltacheva N., Demin P.

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The article is devoted to the use of new parallelism technologies, which appeared in modern Fortran standards (Fortran-2003, Fortran-2008). The authors describe conveyor operations and subroutines. Examples of speeding up programs on Fortran using conveyor operations are given. New technologies of parallelism are considered for the first time: coarrays and auto-parallelization. On the example of iterative algorithms for solving systems of linear algebraic equations, the analysis of the speed of parallel programs is performed using all concurrency technologies supported by Fortran compilers. A comparative analysis of the performance of free and proprietary compilers is carried out. The recommendations on the use of various Fortran compilers for solving computational problems are presented. The features of coding on modern Fortran are described with the use of various compilers. Provided reasoned recommendations on the use of Fortran as a system of mathematical modeling. Literature sources are presented, in which the graphical conclusion of research results in cross-platform programs on Fortran is described. The choice of Fortran as the language of teaching programming for students of mathematical, physical, biological, chemical and technical specialties is justified.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
Authors: Abd Elraheem A., Shikhin V.

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Multi-Agent approach is proposed for applications of real-time control and management of the microgrids. The multi-agent system (MAS) structure and content design are presented. MAS functionality is defined in order to optimize the real-time operation of a microgrid by optimally scheduling its distributed generation and managing demand and supply. Economic and environmental factors, as well as standardized electric power reliability indices are adopted as optimization criteria. Moreover, the paper also presents a model for evaluation of economic, technological and ecological efficiency of the interaction of elements of the proposed MAS based on an artificial neural network (ANN) model implementation.
№ 1(73) 27 february 2018 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Sulavko A.

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The scale of features informativeness is formulated and presented. The efficiency of «wide» neural network neurons based on the various variations of following criteria for checking the distribution law of a random variable was evaluated: Smirnov-Kramer-von Mises, Anderson-Darling, Watson, Frotsini, average geometric comparison functions for probability densities Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Cooper. A criterion for the maximum area of intersection of the comparable probability density functions is proposed. Variants for the modernization of functionals for the processing of features with a noticeable and high correlation dependence are found, in particular, on the basis of the Smirnov-Kramer-von Mises criterion. The analysis of the results of the work made it possible to determine the most suitable conditions for the use of the functionals under consideration, depending on the features of the feature space. The boundary conditions of the experiment correspond to the features of dynamic biometric patterns. First of all, the research was aimed at solving the problems of recognizing secret biometric images, but the results obtained can be used in any verification task, where there are dependent and independent signs of average informativeness, as well as little informative and extremely little informative features with a distribution of values close to normal.
№ 2(74) 27 april 2018 year
Rubric: Performance management
Authors: Mishchenko A., Koshelev P.

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The purpose of writing this work is to develop a software tool for finding the optimal portfolio of wholesale purchases of a trading enterprise. The software is developed on the basis of the created mathematical models and functional model. The mathematical models takes into account the restrictions on the volume of working capital spent on wholesale purchases of goods, restrictions on the volume of goods in the warehouse of wholesale purchases, demand constraints and some others. The functional model describes the structure of the system for determining the optimal portfolio of wholesale purchases of a trading company and created on the basis of graphical notation IDEF0. The operation principle of the algorithm is illustrated by a block diagram. The algorithm of the software is based on the branch and bound method. The work of the software is demonstrated on a practical example of searching for the optimal portfolio of wholesale purchases of ventilation equipment. A software tool can be of interest to managers who are developing a wholesale purchase plan.