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№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Models and althorithms
The author: Pomelov S.

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An important part of modern science and economics are numerical computations in mathematical models. Their efficiency depends on the effectiveness of the hardware. This, in turn, is related to parallel computations’ optimizations. A new approach to the optimizations and developing a tool for parallel computing process optimization are the goals of the ongoing research. These software tool development principles and other resulted applications are described in the paper. Properties of computer architecture are suitable for formalization. Parallel algorithms already exist in a mathematical form. From the two points, two mathematical models are derived: the model of the computational algorithm and the computer architecture model. Along with other points, here described their properties and applications. Both models, even though they represent vastly different real-world objects, are described in the same terms and with the equivalent level of detail and structure. This distinction from similar works allows developing a new approach to comparative analysis of the algorithm scalability, as well as algorithm efficiency for a given architecture. These models are used as a basis for a core module of the software implementation for simulation and optimizing the architecture and algorithm interactions. In this article, after the computational process simulation description with the models’ usage, as a midline working result, placed suggestions for practical using the software, proposed approach and results of those simulations. At the ending, a few practical examples are demonstrated. The last simulation example is crosschecked with a computational experiment, derived important conclusions from its results.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
Authors: Starchaus I., Keyno P., Khoroshko L., Siluyanov А.

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Abstract: The main line of the article is the proof of the concept of BML language. BML is the main part of BlockSet methodology created for Web-development. The article examines the problem of software evaluation on that basis. At beginning of the work authors proposes the new model with complex of criteria. The criteria includes a lot of properties: psychological factors of developers, the language features, system requirements and so on. Psychological factors includes perception and training speed. Language features are flexibility, instructions set, complexity, recipe set. The problem is in difference between of imperative and declarative programming. There are a few methods of evaluation by criteria listed above suitable for both language paradigms. The «threshold entry» term introduced and found correlation between volume and quality of source code. Also authors propose term of «fault probability» related to the complex of typical project faults appeared during project developing. In the classification of software metrics authors revealed three main characteristics for evaluation: work amount, style of code, developer effort. Authors applied the hierarchy analysis method to identify the most important criterion. Due to research authors proposed «recipe set» block for further study as fundamental criterion for others.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Network Technologies
The author: Lavrenkov Y.

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The complexity of synchronizing local timers on individual nodes of the communication network is to assess the time needed for an information message with current time stamp for transporting from the source to the target node. Transportation time depends on the state of information transmission channels and routing protocols. To estimate the time advance of the package with time stamp it is proposed to use a distributed neural network architecture, which contains a delay line with taps, which changes the information part of the temporary package during its movement through the communication network. To perform time correction at the delivery of the packet to the target node of the neural network expert that has the ability to increase the complexity of the internal architecture without loss of stability of functioning of the cascade-correlation neural network. The learning procedure consists in tuning only added neuroelements, which makes it possible to increase the speed of operation of the system as a whole. To improve the efficiency of the entire system has been used a method for compressing data information part of the temporary package with the use of neural network built on neuroelement made to a summing integrator with losses on the scheme with switching capacitors. A complex of two trigonometric neural networks performs data compression by considering the most significant characteristics of the analyzed signal combinations. Analysis of process of functioning of the cascade-correlation neural network showed the ability to perform correction of timers located in the network nodes. Evaluation of the averaged dynamics of change of the error counts time in units of the communication network proved the effectiveness of the proposed synchronization approach.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Information security
The author: Styugin M.

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Authentication still remains one of the major problems in information security. There is a large number of solutions aimed at providing security of authentication. Some of the solutions are intended to ensure that authentication data are impossible to be compromised by accessing the transfer channel for authentication data (class A attacks). Other types of security methods protect authentication data in their storage (class B attacks). Authentication by username and password is currently the most widely used authentication method. Passwords are stored on a server with implementation of one-way hash functions. Password hash can be cracked by brute force enumeration, which allows successful class B attacks. The paper presents a password identification method, which does not involve storing passwords in one centralized place. Passwords are split in many parts that are stored on separate computers on the Internet. Assuming that one or several computers of such network are compromised it will not result in disclosure of any useful authentication data. Hence, remote nodes may be untrusted and all internet users can become participants of the data exchange. The solution presented in this paper provides a multiple increase of user password security against class B attacks even should an adversary succeed in cracking the server and a part of the network nodes. DKAuth is the practical implementation of the presented technology. The above solutions were tested as an authentication service. The data obtained evidence that the DKAuth Protocol can be used even in applications with high operation loads.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Information security
Authors: Bazhayev N., Davydov A., Krivtsova I., Lebedev I., Salakhutdinova K.

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The article сonside the issues of information security specific wireless network architecture. An assessment of the state of information security systems based on indicators of the events intensity that occur in the process of malicious impact in terms of queuing theory. The analysis of the potential opportunities for the offender «soft» attacks on a wireless network. The analytic dependence by which to measure the state of information security elements of a wireless network architecture. Model of destructive information impact offender information security. The results showing the accuracy of the assumptions about the exponential distribution law for the duration of service requests network nodes.
№ 6(66) 30 december 2016 year
Rubric: Models and Methods
The author: Vygodchikova I.

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The development of the methodology of time series analysis has been studied by many researchers. This G. E. P. Box, G. M. Jenkins, N. N. Taleb, S. Johansen, C. A. Sims, A. Yu. Loskutov, B. P. Bezruchko, V. B. Bayburin, and many others. One of the effective methods of time series analysis is the criterion of uniform approximation by Chebyshev, which has not been considered in the literature in relation to multivalued mappings by using the Hausdorff metric. The paper presents method of analysis and parameters estimation of a mathematical model of multivalued time series, composed of ranges of values of a certain indicator using as a criterion of optimality the maximum of the local Hausdorff distances between ranges of values and the values of the approximating function. The aim of this work is to develop a mathematical method of modeling the time series which are represented by ranges, based on the development of the method of uniform approximation of functions in case of set-valued maps using the Hausdorff metric, and the creation of effective, from the point of view of availability of hardware and software implementations in real-time, algorithm.