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№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
Authors: Bugorskij V. N., YAstrebova N. N.

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Nowadays economic activity explosion is characterized by enterprises expansion into the international markets and multinational companies' growth. The economic activity traditional forms displacement into the net medium affects the economy globalization process essentially. Far from being investigated, the phenomenon even has not uniform interpretation by the scientific economists' community indicating the need for the net economy issues study.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
The author: Dik V. V.

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The strategy planning enterprise information technologies/systems adoption planning is examined. IT-strategy is considered to be a feedback facility providing business development decisions making. The author holds that the information system strategic planning stage should be a part of the system life cycle standards.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
Rubric: IT management
The author: Goloskokov K. P.

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The technical state parameters forecasting of industrially manufactured electronic hardware products problem is investigated. An image recognition method based on a neural network construction using basic vectors machine approach is applied. The implemented algorithm meets the production process requirements and features high run time efficiency.
№ 1(19) 01 january 2009 year
The author: Bdoyan F. H.

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Recently introduced Information system (IS) auditing concept yields unremitting attention on the part of information technologies and management experts. Reliability assurance of business units' Financial Statements and business transaction compliance are the main purposes of audit. Audit of Company's Information systems implies comprehensive control of its maintenance functions over company main business processes realized with regard of problem area specifics.
№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: E-learning
The author: Emelyanov A.

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On 27-29 September 2009 the Moscow President Hotel hosted another conference of the World «ONLINE EDUCA» system. Since 2007, the event is held in Moscow, and an international conference «MOSCOW Education Online» has become a landmark event in the life of the educational community that attracts annually the attention of leading experts and professionals in distance and electronic education. The leitmotif of the last forum was the need to move e-learning from extreme training method to an ordered system with appropriate legal and methodological support.

№ 6(24) 01 november 2009 year
Rubric: Training IT specialists
Authors: Andreeva T. A., Anureev I. S., Bodin E. V., Gorodnyaya L. V., Marchuk A. G., Murzin F. A., SHilov N. V.

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Classification of computer languages has a crucial importance for educating new generations of Computer Scientists and Information Technology specialists. The article presents some experience with classification of computer languages, programming paradigms and programming contest problems. It also analyses perspectives of ontological and semantic approaches to computer languages classification that are under development with support of grant № 08-01-00 899-a of Russian Basic research Foundation.



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