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№6(48) 2013

  • Using information technologies in design of intelligent well
  • Models and algorithms of integrated logistics support of projected technological pipelines
  • Informatization of control for spacecraft constellation
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№5(47) 2013

  • Using neural network models for intervention analysis
  • Information models and automated procedures for innovation management
  • E-Government Architecture
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№4(46) 2013

  • Fuzzy logic in the evaluation of investment attractiveness innovation projects
  • Management outsourcing companies based on self-regulation
  • Implementation of scenario-based approach to optimizing of capital structure in the Maple program
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№3(45) 2013

  • Application of the linear programming to company value management
  • Modeling virtual enterprises cash flows
  • Designing extreme experiments based on simulation models
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№2(44) 2013

  • Structural and parametric synthesis of cyber threats detection system based on public information resources monitoring
  • Logical-statistical algorithm for the identification of through pores and its application to the analysis of the nonmaterial structure
  • File type identification based on structural analyses
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№1(43) 2013

  • Information support of adaptive production management systems
  • Concepts and features of actor-oriented simulation system «Actor Pilgrim»
  • A practical approach for requirements systematization
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№6(42) 2012

  • Optimal strategy development using stochastic programming methods
  • Linguistic approach to behavior generator for mobile robot
  • Optimization approach to modeling and development of information and control systems
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№5(41) 2012

  • Application of genetic programming for web-interface development
  • Plankalkül — the first high-level programming language
  • Accounting non-stationary in the temporal-logical model of the project
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№4(40) 2012

  • Modeling publishing processes in scientific periodicals
  • Problems of antivirus software false alarms
  • Inorganic compounds computer design based on integrated information system
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