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№3(93) 2021

  • Models and methods of reinforcement learning in the structure of adaptive web-based information systems
  • Assessing the crypto resistance to the destructive effect of "viewing transmitted data" in the case of quantum computers
  • Development of a module for converting OpenFOAM computational meshes into msh-format and its integration into the graphical interface of the platform
  • DVCompute Simulator for discrete event simulation
  • Intelligent soft package for modeling optimization processes for managing the activities of the Bank's retail unit
  • Preliminary assessment of the pragmatic value of information in the classifiсation problem based on deep neural networks
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№2(92) 2021

  • Fuzzy case models for project management using a multi-ontology approach
  • Joint use of OpenMP and MPI technologies on the nodes of the computational cluster
  • Tools for automated collection and analysis of sociological information on the territorial identity of city residents
  • Tools of organizational change management using swarm intelligence methods
  • Analysis and improvement of methods for detecting shellcodes in computer systems
  • Automation of business processes of financial organization for checking clients based on information from open sources
  • Choosing a solution based on a fuzzy game with nature
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№1(91) 2021

  • A method and a model framework for planning R&D changes in manufacturing enterprises
  • Creation of a chemical-technological system digital twin using the Python language
  • Fuzzy cognitive modeling of heterogeneous electromechanical systems
  • Virtualization technologies and information system security
  • Matters of economic ecosystem classification
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№6(90) 2020

  • Development of a tonal-thematic dictionary EcSentiThemeLex for the analysis of economic texts in Russian
  • Influence of additional hierarchical levels on the working characteristics of distributed models
  • Statistical Precision – Recall curves for object detection quality assessment
  • Issues of methodological and instrumental support of workshops on modeling and simulation
  • Solving the problem of calendar data preprocessing during the implementation of Data Mining technology
  • Application of big data in the design of expert systems
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№5(89) 2020

  • Intelligent software system for optimizing adaptive control of business planning processes
  • University digital educational mode
  • Semantic technologies in the online learning support system
  • Use of statistical methods for analysis and forecast of udp-flood attacks
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№4(88) 2020

  • NON-factors, temporal logic and fuzzy logical tools in hybrid import substitution risk management models
  • Development of the «supplier selection Protocol» module based on the Directum electronic document management system
  • Development of a module for the formation of partitions in computational meshes when setting up numerical experiments using graphical user interface for the OpenFOAM platform
  • Multilevel data analysis using the example of data on research, development and other works performed in the interests of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia
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№3(87) 2020

  • Rubrication of text documents based on fuzzy difference relations
  • Evaluating performance management systems development programs relying on the maturity model
  • Dynamic programming in applications of a special kind
  • Ad-hoc network top-level protocol configuration software
  • Main drivers and trends of DLP systems development in the Russian Federation
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№2(86) 2020

  • Features of accounting for product movements of several organizations in «1C:ERP»
  • Features of the terms of reference for the development to fblock-chain management systems
  • Software design patterns for cyber-physical systems of buildings
  • On the question of the relationship of security assessments (for example, wireless fire alarm systems)
  • Nonparametric criterion of Wilcoxon as an element of the procedure for the recognition of critical events
  • Modern technologies for face identification: study of the algorithm of work and us
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№1(85) 2020

  • Mathematical models, algorithms and complexes of programs for the analysis and forecasting of national security indicators
  • Simulation model of the process of laying the top structure of the railway track with the use of promising tracklayer
  • A software engineer organizer – new special solution
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