Economic dynamics simulation
SAAS solutions of IT industry leaders
Optimal average size of commission definition at agribusiness enterprises risks insurance
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Education value of classification of computer languages
The analysis of socio-economic data by methods of multidimensional scaling
«Living» documents within digital libraries
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The expansion of the 1C: Enterprise technological platform. Competitive advantages and adoption practice
Using neuron network modeling for volatility influencing factors assessment
Stochastic network queuing theory models
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Simulating of ruin process of insurance company by Monte-Carlo method
Graphic image-models in information technologies
The analysis of problems in multilevel structure of the computer-mediated communications
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Econometric and Simulation Methods application for Commercial Bank Liquidity Evaluation
Building an economic monitoring information system
Choosing a Location for University Branch: Model and Logistic Analysis Approach
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The Runet Internet Links Markets Activity Research
Banking technique and technology of accounting process
Three-dimensional visualization of territory municipal formations for management of municipal systems
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Mathematical modeling of a virtual enterprise money flow
Power company information system automated auditing
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Web-based Information Use Technologies
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